Submitting on behalf of a student
This guide covers how you can submit an assignment to a Turnitin submission point on behalf of a student
This guide covers how you can submit an assignment to a Turnitin submission point on behalf of a student
Entering and saving overall comments and grades in Turnitin
Add targeted feedback quickly and efficiently in Turnitin
Use rubrics and grading forms to provide quick feedback based on pre-established criteria
You can use the Turnitin iOS app on your iPad or iPhone to mark student work online or offline
This is a common error that can be easily resolved be saving the file as a PDF and re-uploading it
This guide covers how to review your Turnitin submission
This guide covers how to view your feedback on a Turnitin assignment
This guide covers what you need to know about the similarity report
This guide covers how to resubmit your file in Turnitin