Coming up… DLF meeting on 5 March 2019, 14.00-16.00 hrs, Dalhousie 2S15
We are looking forward to welcoming you along to the next meeting of the Distance Learning Forum which takes place on Tuesday 5 March. Here are the topics we’ll be covering:
(1) The new interactive learning space at Dalhousie 2S15
As you will see from the subject line above, we’re holding this meeting in the new interactive learning space: Dalhousie 2S15. We have arranged for UoDIT to attend and show us the space and what can be done there… and it will give us a good opportunity to think about such spaces in the Distance Learning context. Of course the space hasn’t specifically been designed for distance learners, but can it be useful for our learners? And if so, how might we best utilise it for them?
(2) Evaluation of distance learning provision
Iain Gillespie from the LLC will be attending to tell us all about the University’s Survey Service and what they have to offer. Martin Glover of UoD’s Academic and Corporate Governance will be there too, to tell us about the results of the Taught PG survey and what it says about the experience of distance learners at UoD.
However, surveys aren’t the only method we can use to evaluate our DL provision. This will be a great opportunity to share good practice in evaluation – and to learn about how other programmes/schools manage this. Feel free to bring along examples of your own practice to share and discuss.
Hope to see you at this lively session!