My Dundee no longer supports Internet Explorer

What’s happening

Blackboard Learn, the service My Dundee is based on, no longer officially supports Internet Explorer. This means that although it may continue to work for most activities, it will become increasingly unreliable as new feature and updates are added.

If you encounter any issues when using My Dundee, please check if you are using Internet Explorer (and try it on one of the below recommended browsers if you are) before before reporting the problem to Help4u.

Why is this happening?

Microsoft ended active development for Internet Explorer in January 2016. Since then it has slowly fallen out of use (only 7.75% of browser traffic in the UK in February ’19, came from IE source  ) and it is becoming common for software vendors to withdraw support. Blackboard continue to support most browsers including Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

Who is affected?

All My Dundee users.


We recommend that you stick to Blackboard’s recommended browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari. We also recommend you keep your browser up-to date.

Student machines use Microsoft Edge by default and also have Chrome pre-installed.

Staff machines that are on Windows 7 and still use Internet Explorer. We recommend that users of thee machine switch to using Chrome or Firefox for My Dundee. Note that the upcoming OneDundee Desktop will be based on Windows 10, so IE will be replaced by Edge as the default browser.

Further info

Please direct any questions to Help4u, FAO CTIL. 

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