Access Results in QMOD

At present, results from Questionmark OnDemand (QMOD) assessments will not appear in the My Dundee module Gradebook. On completion of a QMOD exam, the Assessment team will export a spreadsheet of results and share this securely with the module leader, unless otherwise instructed.

Several staff with QMOD accounts have permissions to access and download results and reports directly from Questionmark OnDemand for the assessments and exams they are delivering to students.

Export a Results Spreadsheet

To download a standard spreadsheet of results for a QMOD assessment:

  1. Login to Questionmark OnDemand.
  2. Click on Reports and select Classic Reports from the drop-down options. If you cannot see the option for Reports or Classic Reports, you do not have reporting permissions and will need to request the necessary permissions.
  3. Select the type of report you want to run. Our most commonly used report for reviewing and downloading results from QMOD is Export for Excel.
    • You can view further information on the different report types* available from the Questionmark Support pages, although you will need a Questionmark Communities account to access this information (please note that this is not the same account as you use to login to the University of Dundee Questionmark site).
  4. Select a Report Template from the drop-down menu. (Report templates define the content of the report and the format in which it will be presented, so you may need to try a few different templates until you find what you are looking for.)
  5. Click Browse, type in the name of the assessment (this will usually contain the module code) and then click Search.
  6. Select the correct assessment name from the list and then click View Report. (Your xls file will download.)

Coaching Reports

The Coaching Report provides detailed information on a single participant’s performance in a single assessment. This report can be used to review an individual’s responses and provide feedback on their performance.

To access the Coaching Reports for a QMOD assessment:

  1. Login to Questionmark OnDemand.
  2. Click on Reports and select Classic Reports from the drop-down options. If you cannot see the option for Reports or Classic Reports, you do not have reporting permissions and will need to request the necessary permissions.
  3. Select Coaching Report from report types available.
  4. Click Create New from the Options section on the left-hand menu.
  5. Select a Report Template from the drop-down menu. (Report templates define the content of the report and the format in which it will be presented, so you may need to try a few different templates until you find what you are looking for.)
  6. Click on Find Assessments and select (or search for) the appropriate assessment (this will usually contain the module code).
  7. Select the preferred distribution format (usually PDF or Word).
  8. If you want access to coaching reports for all students who took the assessment, you should click Distribute at this point.
  9. If you want a coaching report for a particular student, click on Browse (next to Select a Participant) and select (or search for using UoD username) the appropriate student, then click Distribute.

Double click on an individual participant to view their report, or to download and save the coaching reports for all participants, alter Records Per Page on the left-hand menu so that all participants are displayed on one screen. Tick the Select all box at the top of the screen and then click on Batch Output from the Options section on the left-hand menu. You will be presented with a small pop-up window asking you to choose a distribution method, select PDF or Word, then OK. Once the reports are created, click Download and the zip file will be saved to your chosen location.


If you would like access to the Reports tab in order to run results yourself, or you don’t have access rights to the results for a particular module, please get in touch.

*Register for QMOD Support pages

  • Check out the Questionmark Support site for lots of advice and information. You may need to sign up for a Questionmark Communities/Support account in order to access the information.
Updated on 21/08/2023

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