Academic Integrity
The University takes all forms of academic misconduct including collusion and plagiarism very seriously – you should ensure that you are familiar with all the information that the University makes available to you about academic integrity including plagiarism, commissioning, collusion and the use of generative artificial intelligence.
By submitting your assignment, you are agreeing with the following statements:
- I have read and understood the University’s rules on academic dishonesty and plagiarism and confirm that I am aware of the consequences which may follow if I break those rules.
- I agree this assignment is entirely my own work and that I have not used the services of any agency or person who has provided a model answer, or ghost-written work, or unauthorised use of AI (such as ChatGPT), in the preparation and submission of this assessment.
- Where the use of generative artificial assessment is permitted in an assessment I have acknowledged how it has been used, referenced and included the outputs as outlined in the University’s guidance for students.
- I also understand that if this assessment breaks any of these rules, my actions will be investigated using the academic misconduct policy.
- University of Dundee: Code of Practice: Academic Misconduct by Students
- University of Dundee: Code of Conduct: Use of generative artificial intelligence for students
- University of Dundee: Guidance on proofreading of written submissions for assessments
- Academic Skills Centre: Guide to Collusion vs Collaboration
- DUSA: Academic Support