Distance Learning Forum: dates 2018-19

This year’s first DLF session, on 25 September, will kick off with Sofia Skevofylaka and Stewart Squire bringing us up to date with DUSA’s work on distance learning student representation – and what they hope to achieve in the year ahead.

Hamish Loveday of our Centre for Innovation and Technology in Learning (CTIL) will also be there, presenting on ‘My Dundee: Change is coming.’  This winter, CTIL will be performing a major upgrade of Blackboard (the platform underlying My Dundee). This upgrade is more than a simple bump in version, it will kick off a new programme of improvements to our online learning and teaching experience and Hamish will be presenting an early outline of what’s to come.

We will then be hearing from Lynne Loveday of Robert Gordon University about her work in online learning design there.

As usual, our on-campus meeting will be followed up a few days later with an online meeting via Collaborate Ultra.  See below for dates (and online venues) of all the DLF meetings in the 2018-19 session.  Our room bookings for the City Campus meetings have still to be confirmed and this blog post will be updated as soon as that information is known.

25.09.18 (Tuesday) 14-16.00 hrs eduZone, Library and Learning Centre, City Campus

Sofia Skevofylaka and Stewart Squire of DUSA;

Hamish Loveday of CTIL

Lynne Loveday of Robert Gordon University

27.09.18 (Thursday) 14-15.00 hrs


Online via Collaborate Ultra;

join 15 minutes before the start at this link:


Follow up of the above session; revisiting the DLF manifesto (this will be followed up with online consultation with all)

29.11.18 (Thursday) 14-16.00 hrs


City Campus, venue tbc

Student engagement online – how we do it and how we can do it better;

Responsibility of learners for their own learning

Adviser of Studies handbook: discussion from the DL perspective


04.12.18 (Tuesday) 14-15.00 hrs

Online via Collaborate Ultra; join 15 minutes before the start at this link:


Follow up of the above session
05.03.19 (Tuesday) 14-16.00 hrs City Campus, venue tbc Evaluation of DL provision – surveys are not always the best way to evaluate; are there creative ways of evaluating programmes currently in use? Closing the loop: You said, we did etc

07.03.19 (Thursday) 14-15.00 hrs


Online via Collaborate Ultra; join 15 minutes before the start at this link:


Follow up of the above session
09.05.19 (Thursday) 14-16.00 hrs City Campus, venue tbc 365 tools and Blackboard new version
14.05.19 (Tuesday) 14-15.00 hrs

Online via Collaborate Ultra; join 15 minutes before the start at this link:


Follow up of the above session


Academic session 2018-19 promises to be an exciting one for distance learning, since in addition to the usual schedule of DLF events, the University’s Academic Skills Centre plans to run a series of seminars with a focus on distance learning, which is planned to culminate in a big DL festival event on 29 May (details of all these events will be posted here on the DLF blog and disseminated through other University channels too).  Add to that the appointment of a DL expert and enthusiast to a new institution-wide role with a specific DL remit (more about this here on the blog too in due course) and we in DL can feel that our time has come at University of Dundee!

Looking forward to seeing lots of regular DLF faces – and lots of new ones too – in the coming session.

Aileen McGuigan, Co-Convenor, Distance Learning Forum (contact me: a.mcguigan@dundee.ac.uk)


    1. that will be so nice as some of us have difficulties in getting on touch with our instructor.

  1. That is nice begginig it will be very beneficial to some of us.

  2. Thanks for your comment here Silvan. If you’re having difficulty getting in touch with your instructor, please contact your School Office for advice on what to do. You should be able to find the relevant email address in your programme handbook – and on the virtual learning environment for your course on My Dundee.

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