Distance learning forum meeting Tuesday 13 October
Dear All,
Welcome to the new academic year 20/21. Six months in and work is still a little strange, with most of us working remotely. We hope this message finds you and yours all safe and well. We’ve decided to keep the DLF meetings to an hour as online fatigue certainly sets in. That said, if anyone wants to stay for a less formal chat at 3, certainly Susie will be around for a bit longer, or drop her an email.
We’re looking forward to finding out how we are all coping with our teaching, whether the pandemic has made a difference to us involved in online distance learning. Are there new tools you’re trying? Are your students facing different challenges? Most of all how we can share our experiences and support one another to enhance our community of learners here at University of Dundee?
Join us in our next meetings to see what we have in store for you to bring you through this academic year. Let us know how we can support you further by suggesting topics for us to discuss, workshops that will help our colleagues, presentations that will inform our community, and some social time, albeit online.
To kick off, our first meeting will bring you two interesting topics to help you move forward with the 20/21 academic year. As you are probably aware, the library has upgraded the reading lists interface for this year and the Reading Lists team have been working very hard to make sure that this transition takes place as smoothly as possible, providing us and students the best possible experience. So what can the new interface offer us as tutors and to our students? Dawn Adams from the Library Learning Centre will give us a presentation during the first half of the meeting.
For the second half of the meeting, Susie will lead a discussion on Effective Online Supervision. With many of our colleagues now supervising traditionally on campus supervision, what can we share with them to support them? So bring your tips, your experiences and also any challenges you’ve faced and solved or are still facing, whether at UG, PGT or PGR stages.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 13 October 2020, 14:05-15:00 hrs, on DLF Teams. If you wish to attend this session but are not yet a member of the DLF, click here or request to join as a member on our Teams page. Feel free to join in 5 minutes earlier to say ‘hello’. If you wish to be included as a member on our Teams site please email myself at q.k.s.z.abdullah@dundee.ac.uk or Susie Schofield S.J.Schofield@dundee.ac.uk.
We hope that it will be an enlightening, informative and exciting afternoon for all. It will also be an excellent opportunity to virtually get to know our colleagues/ distant learning enthusiast from around the University. Please join us to find out more in detail, and also to have some healthy discussion. This meeting will be recorded, and the recording will be available on our Teams page. You are also very welcome to stay at 3 for a bit longer for an unrecorded catch-up.
Please share this email with anyone else who may be interested. You can access this meeting by clicking on the link, Join Microsoft Teams Meeting.
Future meetings: 18/11/2020, 11/02/2021 and 13/05/2021
Best wishes
Best wishes
Qabirul and Susie