DLF on 9 May 2019

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

If you haven’t attended the DLF for a while, now is a very good time to come back!

On Thursday 9 May we will start in Dalhousie 1G06, where we will be joined by Hamish Loveday of CTIL, who will be telling us all about Blackboard Ultra and showing us what it looks like. If you were thinking about moving modules to Ultra for the 19/20 session, this will be a great opportunity to ask him all your burning questions. Also, Hamish will be giving us an update on the new video service on offer from CTIL and a WhatsApp-like IM tool they’re going to be piloting in the next academic year.

We will also be running a hands on session on the 365 tool, Sway, and considering what it has to offer distance learners. Anne-Marie Greenhill of our Academic Support Centre will be leading that part of the meeting, in 1G16 IT Suite – from 15.00 hrs.

We will also be discussing next year’s DLF sessions and what we’d like to focus on in those… so please come armed with plenty of ideas. Of course if you can’t come along on 9 May, you can always email myself and Susie (s.j.schofield@dundee.ac.uk) with your ideas. Susie and I will be draft a programme for next session, which will be shared here on the blog.

We very much hope to see you on 9 May!


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