New Drop In service for distance learners…

The following information was provided by staff at the Academic Skills Centre about a new service they will be offering:

  • ASC plan to launch a distance learning drop-in in Semester 2. Exact details will be confirmed shortly and disseminated early next semester through our School Leads and other channels.
  • Several people have already expressed in interest and Gordon will contact them directly once we are ready to move forward.
  • Drop-ins will replicate on campus offerings: for quick (5mins) and specific queries. If a longer appointment is required they should book this through the usual channels
  • These appointments are also for focussed and specific queries. We do not offer a proofreading or assignment checking service.

Useful bookmarks:

If you have a large number of students from the same cohort who need similar/same support or if you can suggest ways we might better support your distance learning students please contact Gordon directly

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