Extracting Grades from Grade Centre
You may need to extract the grades from the Grade Centre for entering to eVision. Note that at present, it is still necessary to manually enter the data, we are not yet able to upload data electronically to SITS.
1: The grade centre is accessed from the Course Management section of the left hand menu.
In most cases, select the Full Grade Centre. (Unless you have set up smart views already)
From here, you’ll see the grade centre, with all columns
2: From the full grade centre, select Work Offline – then download
3: You can either download all the data, or select particular columns.
Change the delimiter type to “comma” (It will still open in Excel if you forget, but it gives you an error message when you initially open it)
Finally, click submit – and get the link to the downloadable file.
Want to know more?
Blackboard has a comprehensive set of resources on grading. These include information such as how to upload work that was marked offline, the use of smart views and other tasks. Note that the reference to rubrics on this page refers to Blackboards (i.e. MyDundee) rubrics, not those used with Turnitin.