Student Support for turnitin.
We have created 2 videos for students to support their use of Turnitin.
You may find it useful to have some general introductory information – suggested text is below.
You are required to submit your coursework via a tool called Turnitin. This is a similarity checker, which examines your work for similarity with other work.
Note that similarity in itself is not necessarily bad; for example, if you have quoted material, we could expect that to be the same as the source.
Preparing your work:
The easiest way is to
- Use Microsoft office – and save as .doc or .docx.
Remember, if you do not have office, you can download it via the Student Advantage package - If you use Apple pages – save as .pdf (Do not save as pages)
If the work is set to be marked anonymously, make sure you do not have your name in the file anywhere.
In order to ensure you don’t upload the incorrect file, develop a clear naming convention for example:
This text can, of course, be modified to suit specific disciplines / modules.
We’d recommend that you put the text above the dropboxes, so that students have to scroll past it to upload work (see screenshot below).

If you wish to replicate the suggested layout, the following video shows you what to do.
How to add HTML (including Video embeds) from CTIL on Vimeo.