Marking on Turnitin Website


Most of the time, you will not need to mark via Turnitin’s website. This information is purely for the times that MyDundee or Moodle is down for maintenance.

If this is the first time you are doing this.

You must be in the module that you are marking as an instructor on MyDundee / Moodle. You will not be able to access the material in this way if you were not already present in the module.

All staff/students have an account on TurnitinUK’s website, as a result of the link we have between TII & MyDundee – however, you probably don’t know your password.

  1. Go to
  2. Start to login and select the “Reset password” link
  3. Enter your University email & surname.
  4. It sends you an email, so use the link in that to create a new password
  5. Login – but it will ask you to set up a security question before it allows you to progress further.

Accessing the module.

Login to your account on


① Your current role should show as instructor, if not, click and select from the dropdown list.

② Messages list.

③If you can’t see the classes you are looking for, switch from ‘current’ to ‘expired’ or ‘all classes’

Click on the title of the class that you want to mark.

Once in the class, select “View” by the assignment you want to mark.

Please do not use this site to set up assignments, or to edit those you have previously setup. 

This is purely for marking at the times that the link between the VLE and Turnitin is not working. 

For more information


Turnitin has comprehensive help files, though most of those are aimed at institutions that have the whole process via the website, rather than most of the process driven from the VLE.

Centre for Technology and Innovation In Learning (CTIL)

If you have a query about a particular feature, or would like additional training, contact

In addition, we run regular staff drop in sessions in the main library.

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