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Get your module ready

Default structure of modules

We have created module templates, to create a consistent experience for students, and to help you ensure that you’ll be able to meet all points of the Module Baseline

It’s not, however, a straitjacket – we know that all disciplines, modules etc, have different requirements.

The overall structure and order of the module:

  • Information about the module
  • Assessment (Summative)
  • Learning Resources

What’s Changed 2024-25

We have made limited changes to the main template from last year.

January 2025

The key update that may impact you as you prepare your module for the start of term is that the location for opening the module to students has moved from the list of items on the right, to “Course Settings” top right. Courses are now “closed” (not private) before you’re ready to teach them.


As we now have Panopto, you’ll see the YuJa link is no longer present, and there’s a link to Panopto in its place.
Just as with YuJa, you’ll need to click on it to create the link between My Dundee and Panopto. Just as with YuJa, all videos relating to weekly learning materials, such as lecture recordings, should be alongside the slides and other resources in the relevant Learning Module. You may wish to keep the channel hidden from students to ensure they see recordings in context.

Remember NOT to copy the YuJa channel link into your new module.

Default Learning Module Images

We have added 3 learning modules images for you:

  • Module Guide – a compass
  • Assessment and Feedback – a laptop with a text written sheet attached to it
  • Library Resources – a pile of books

These were all created by David Millar (SBUS), using the AI tool firefly.
We recommend that you use these default images for these 3 core informational Learning Modules to enable students to easily find them.

New features

AI Design Assistant

This is tool that offers support to staff when creating content. Content is never visible to students without staff evaluation.

As this offers a significant change in the way staff may choose to work, you should read the support material before you start to look at using this too.

You may also wish to remind yourself of the AI guidance we offer to both staff and students

If AI is used, you should declare its use to students, just as we ask them to declare its use in assessment.

Other updates

You’ll see information about new updates via the popups in My Dundee when they’re live.

How to get your module ready

Default Content While most sections are empty, some have pointers (italicised) in. Any other content is core, and should be either left as is, or extended if your subject requires it, and then made visible to students.

Information about the module

Welcome to ** this module**

Make sure you update the title to reflect the name of the module.
Most students like to know what you look like – a video is the best way to welcome them but a photo and a welcoming message is good too!

We recommend this is prepared, and released, about 3 weeks before the start of teaching. (Remember, you can keep most of the rest of content hidden from students)

Module Guide

Module Aims and Learning Outcomes

This is for the formal statements of the aims and outcomes.

What you will Learn / How you will Learn

These 2 sections are for you to give an overview of the module, in a way that is more student focussed than the formal aims and learning outcomes.

You may wish to present “What you will learn” as an infographic, or you may prefer a list of list of themes / preparatory readings.

You can then use “How you will learn to remind students of what you expect them to do before a workshop or seminar.

Accessibility Statement

Please do not delete this. It is pre-populated with content. We encourage you to add information about any known accessibility issues with particular items.

Module Handbooks

The University policy about handbooks was updated in May 2022. Key to this is that Module handbooks are no longer required, however, key content must be available to students. To help you ensure that the information is embedded in your module, please see the attached mapping suggestions. Some schools / disciplines may decide to additionally include a downloadable version. 

This document outlines how core module areas match to the requirements of the Handbook Policy:

Assessment and Feedback

This section should not be deleted – and you should update the key areas:

  • Schedule
  • Assessment Folders
  • Add software guidance if using specialist assessment software.
Assessment Schedule

List all the assessments for this module, making the due dates, expected feedback return and other relevant information clear.

To help students, it’s useful let them know which Learning Outcome each assessment covers, if you have more than one assessment artefact.

Academic Integrity

Do not delete. It is now a link to a separate page that may be updated during the year with key information as it is developed, in particular, though not exclusively, about artificial intelligence.

Assessment folders

The two assessment folders are placeholders, and should be used to contain all relevant content for each assessment (e.g. assessment brief, examples of work if appropriate, rubric if used, submission points etc)

You should not copy Turnitin assignments between modules.

Setting up assessments
Turnitin Guides

Links to the Turnitin guides for students are in Assessment learning Module. If you do not use Turnitin for this module, you may wish to delete this link.

If you are using other assessment tools (e.g. Mobius, Safe Assign for group work, Gradescope etc.), you may wish to add in links to its guidance

Learning Resources

Library Resources

There is a folder for the Library resources. This includes both the resource list and the My Library app, linking students directly to Lib Guides for their subject, relevant databases and a chat with a librarian function. You’ll have to open this up to allow you to set up the link.

We recommend this, as well as the module welcome, is available six weeks before the students start the module.

Training sessions for resource lists are available: See the LLC events calendar

Video Channel

You’ll need to click on this to generate the channel.

Learning Modules

These are the core learning material for your students, it’s where you and they should spend most of their time.

Staged release is suggested in the baseline- this will help both you (you won’t have to have all the content ready at the start of term, unless your discipline requires it), and the students (they won’t be overwhelmed by the amount of content).

The default listing for Learning modules is in reverse weekly order. This is for those who’ll be releasing the content weekly (e.g Friday pm or Monday am). It will mean that students will see the current week at the top of the list, rather than having to keep scrolling.  It may be that your school/ discipline has a different default

Please update **Name** to reflect the key topic for that learning module. If you have a weekly structure, ensure you update the dates. You’ll be probably be reflecting the structure outlined in “What you will learn” with these labels.

Each Learning Module has an Overview document, this can help students ensure they cover everything they need to in the week / theme.

Remember to label items clearly, to enable students to find them quickly.

It is useful for students to upload session recordings to the relevant Learning Modules (in addition to the item in the Panopto Channel), adjacent to the session materials.

Getting help with My Dundee

This is the student focussed help material. This is now a link, so it can be updated as needed. It is at the bottom – when students start the module, and only a few learning Modules are visible, they will be able to see it easily.

General Module Settings


Keep an eye on the Ally indicator as you upload your content. You can now see the accessibility of Ultra documents as you create them.

There are a number of sources of guidance about accessibility, and how to use your Ally report to help you:

Releasing Content

To help students, we would recommend that you make available the module available to students, and the following items visible to students as soon as possible – many schools advise around six weeks before the start of teaching, you may get information from your school confirming the date(s). The rest of the contents can be kept hidden from students until you are ready to use it. 

  • The Welcome Message
  • The Library Resources (having updated your resource list) 

Getting help while building your module

Something broken? Need to request a service? Help4U is your friend

CTIL is on Help4U and if you post a question or issue there, it will be routed the person best placed to help with your enquiry. 

Need to know how to do something?

My Dundee Help

The My Dundee Help contains all the basic guides and videos, with many more being added all the time. You can access this by clicking on the question mark icon. These guides are mirrored in our website so if you just want to browse everything then you can do so here.

My Dundee 101

My Dundee 101 is an Organisation that contains a guided walkthrough of all the basics a new member of staff (or someone looking to refresh their knowledge).

Want to improve your online teaching?

Module Makeover / Content Creation

CTIL are running two workshops regularly over the summer: Module Makeover and Content Creation. In addition, we offer bespoke sessions for you to design your own workshop for staff. This includes Module Makeover / Content Creation sessions for your own team at a suitable time. We have also run sessions such as Rubric Design

Further Information and booking are on Staff Development 2023.

Learning X

There are also several resources on Learning X area that you may find useful if you want a self-paced approach to development.

  • Blend your Module – helping you think about the learning activities your students will complete is already available.
  • Create your Module – this will help you turn your plan into reality.

We also have earlier Learning X series available – have a look through for ideas, in particular, Searching, Using and Sharing, if you are looking for Creative Commons resources for your students. 

Eduzone 2.0

Eduzone 2.0 is a channel in the Education & Student Experience Team, to which all staff should have access. This includes a range of useful material, including FocusOn sessions, in which staff talk about teaching innovations that have worked effectively with their students. 

Keeping you informed

Communication about services like My Dundee will come through two channels. Our blog is the place for general news and other long form content, and you will also see pop-up notices in My Dundee covering everything from simple hints to important notices.

CTIL also make use of teams, particularly Education and Student Experience (look in the Education and Eduzone 2.0 channels). All staff should have access to this team.

Final Note

CTIL are grateful to users across the University for the feedback that has informed the development of the current templates. These templates are intended to make it easier to provide our students with a consistent online experience and we look forward to working with you all to further develop them in the future.

Updated on 13/01/2025

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