Questionmark On Demand Access Denied Error

Unfortunately we are currently experiencing an issue with our instance of Questionmark On Demand at the moment.

When logging in using the standard URL ( users may be presented with an ‘Access Denied’ error message. We have reported this to our vendor and they have raised this as a fault with their development team.

In the meantime you can still access Questionmark by either clicking the logo at the top left and then logging in, or use the following URL:

We apologise for the incovenience and hope to have the service back to normal as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.


  1. What login details are you meant to use when you access questionmark via this link as when the login page comes up it wont accept my mydundee login details and when I have tried clicking to login with institution details a further error comes up. Just I have an assignment due by 11th feb and I am unable to access it?

    1. Hello Kate,
      Thanks for alerting us to this issue, the assessment team had to re-set a setting and have contacted you, so hopefully you should be able to access the test.

  2. Hi, has Questionmark been fixed yet? I am unable to login with any details or access any links.

    1. UoD IT are working with the vendor to resolve this issue. We apologise for the inconvenience.

      You can follow the indecent on the IT Blog

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