Service issue: Turnitin (resolved)
Update: Turnitin reports that all services are now up and running again (16/02/2019)
Message from Turnitin:
We’ve fixed it!
Due to an unexpected database issue, users of Turnitin and Turnitin UK may have been unable to log in, submit or grade papers today. Users accessing Turnitin and Turnitin UK through integrations were also affected. We are pleased to advise that service has been restored.
We encountered a disruption between the following times:
06:52 – 23:06 PST Feb 15, 2019
14:52 – 07:06 GMT Feb 15-16, 2019
00:52 – 17:06 AEST Feb 16, 2019Please accept our apologies if you were impacted by today’s disruption.
The Turnitin service is currently unavailable, affecting submission (via My Dundee), marking and feedback. Turnitin are aware and working to resolve the issue. Note that this issue is global, affecting all their users across other institutions as well as our own. UoD IT are also aware of the issue and have posted a message on UoD IT Status
To keep track of the issue, please refer directly to Turnitin’s status pages:
- Turnitin’s status page
- @turnitinstatus on Twitter
Note that you can sign up to Turnitin status email alerts for future notifications about their service – there’s a link on the status page listed above.