My Dundee Issue: 404 Error
Workaround (23/11/21):
While Blackboard work on resolving this issue, you can adjust the settings in your browser to manage what happens when you download a file. The issue is occurring when the downloaded file tries to open in your browser, and you can adjust the settings to turn this option off.
Manage download settings in:
- Chrome (look at the section on changing default download permissions)
- Firefox
- Safari
- Edge:
- Open Microsoft Edge , then select Settings and more > Settings
- Select Downloads and toggle Open Office files in the browser off.
We’ve received a number of reports detailing an error when trying to access files in My Dundee. Read on for details
What’s happening?
When trying to access files, some users have reported getting a 404 error message:

What’s next?
The reports we have received are early and we’re investigating both the cause and the extent of the issue. We are also in touch with the vendor, Blackboard to try and resolve the issues as soon as possible. Please continue to report any issue you encounter through Help4u, detailing what you were trying to do and what error appeared.
Please keep an eye on the UoD IT Status pages for updates. We will also update this blog post as we things progress.
15/11/21 – Blackboard have gotten back to us to us to confirm the issue is occurring for those using Edge as their browser. While Blackboard are working to resolve the issue, please try accessing the file with Chrome as your browser, and let us know if the issue persists.
26/01/22 – Blackboard have confirmed this issue is still on-going, and they are working to find a resolution. In the meantime, you can still use the workaround provided in this blog post.
16/02/22 – Blackboard have confirmed that this issue should be resolved in the latest version of Edge. If you are still experiencing this issue in Edge please update your browser to the latest version.
08/03/22 – An update to the Edge browser caused the issue to appear again. Blackboard are currently working to resolve this.
Unfortunately, I am still experiencing not getting access to sway document in Enhancing healthcare in Child Nursing module NC30208
I am using edge but still facing a lot of issues like I cant see my similarity index while submitting my report and something cant access the module please resolve it as soon as possible it would be really great full.
Hi Adil,
Many thanks for getting in touch, can I ask you to submit this to help4u ( so it can be investigated properly.
Kind regards
I can’t register in my matriculation, a system message appears for me that “i have been automatically logged out of the system”
kindly i need support
kind regards
Hi Passant,
Please log any issues with Help4U –
I’m module PN50150 I can’t assess assessment of emergencies aacdm with notes on phone says something wrong at our end. On laptop says I don’t have access
Hi Zoe,
Please raise any issues like this with Help4U, and include a screenshot of the issue if possible (