New: Conditional release by user or group finally here!

In the Ultra course view, Blackboard has announced the release of conditional release by users and groups.

Instructors and other roles with elevated rights, such as Support will be able to grant differentiated access to content. As a new option to the conditional availability rules, already present in Ultra courses (date/time and performance-based rules), instructors or admin staff can now allow groups of students to have access to specific content while selecting one or both existing rules mentioned above.

Adaptive release set up showing how you can assign to groups

Content taken from Blackboard’s help page on releasing content.

Here is a guide on creating groups in Blackboard.


  1. Great news, thanks!
    Do you know a way on My Dundee to duplicate or copy-paste an existing item, folder etc., to quickly create modified versions of the same content for different groups of users. Example use case: extra time versions of assessment with personalised deadlines and instructions.
    Thanks, Alex

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