CTIL Update 27/03/2020
This message was emailed to all Instructors 27/03/2020
Dear Colleagues
Collaborate Downtime (yesterday)
Please note:
Putting service difficulties in context
If there are evidenced, repeatable, widespread and unresolvable problems with our core tools, we will consider alternatives. Factors such as consistent user experience, data security and others like these are equally important in the current situation, but we don’t want to get stuck in a ‘grass is always greener’ situation.
As always, let me wish you and your loved ones all the best. CTIL’s fun activity of the day is to name our favorite children’s books and you’re all welcome to let me know yours.
Kind Regards
Hamish Loveday Digital Education Services Manager, Centre for Technology and Innovation in Education (CTIL) https://www.dundee.ac.uk/guides/support-online-teaching-delivery
Message source: This message was sent through My Dundee to all registered instructors. If you feel you should not be receiving these messages, please let us know. Contact us: Centre for Technology & Innovation in Learning (CTIL), Library and Learning Centre University of Dundee The University of Dundee is a Scottish Registered Charity, No. SC015096. © University of Dundee. |