Old bookmarks taking you to the old My Dundee?

What’s happening

Bookmark Images old

With the move to the Ultra Navigation, some users have reported that the previous bookmarks that they had for specific My Dundee pages are taking them to the old style “front page” of Blackboard. When a user gets into this area, they’re able to get into courses etc, but can only get so far and can’t access the new interface with the left hand menu etc.


Why is this happening?

The pages that the bookmarks are taking you past the new interface and getting into the still-existing old pages underneath. We are unclear at this point why this is possible and are in touch with Blackboard to resolve the problem.

Who is affected?

All My Dundee users that have specific bookmarks to areas within My Dundee.


Existing bookmarks can be updated by right clicking on them and clicking edit, then editing the URL to “https://my.dundee.ac.uk/”, alternatively you can create a new bookmark from within My Dundee. This issue has been raised with Blackboard and we will report back when they have a solution in place.

Update bookmark


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