Turnitin currently down (resolved)
Final Update:
The issue have now been resolved.
Due to an unexpected service degradation, users of Turnitin, Turnitin UK, iThenticate, SimCheck, Similarity and Originality, as well as those accessing the service via an integration, may have experienced issues receiving Similarity Reports in addition to slow report generation times.
We are pleased to advise that service has been restored. We encountered a degradation between the following times:
Nov 04 12:45 – Nov 06 23:36 GMT
Turnitin are currently reporting downtime:
Turnitin.com, TurnitinUK.com, iThenticate, SimCheck, Similarity and Originality are currently experiencing an unexpected service disruption.
During this time, you may find that Similarity Reports are not generating.
Those accessing these services via an integration may also be impacted.
You can check on the progress of this on Turnitin’s status page, and we will update this blog post with any additional news.