Turnitin Issues (resolved)
Update (12:30, 29/06/2019): Turnitin seems to be working again 🙂 . Any users who were previously trying to submit should try again. Please continue to report any further issues to help4u@dundee.ac.uk.
-original message below-
We’ve been receiving reports users enable to access Turnitin through My Dundee, whether for marking or submitting. Turnitin is an externally provided service so we have raised it with them and will update this post when we know more.
What’s happening
Students are unable to submit Turnitin assignments, receiving an error beginning: “Failed to get persisted membersip for user…”
Instructors have reported problems getting in to mark assignments and are unable to create new assignments.
Who is this affecting
All Turnitin users.
What’s next
We’re still looking into this issue and have raised a call with the external supplier. We will update this post when we know more information.