Using the iOS app for marking.
Turnitin have an iOS app, allowing you to mark offline. This was updated (March 15th) – and now has a different (easier) way to add modules from my Dundee.
[Note: Turnitin does not have Android / Windows / Mac apps] [Updated again on April 16th]
If you have un-synced papers in the current app, make sure that you mark and synchronise them BEFORE you update the app.
Once the app is installed, do not login to it from the login screen, as we only use Turnitin via My Dundee / Moodle.
Adding modules to the app.
- Make sure you can access your email on your iPad – either via the mail client, webmail.
- Go to any Turnitin assignment in the module, and open 1 essay at random. [It doesn’t matter if it’s marked or not marked]
- In Feedback studio, click on the ‘i’
- Enter your email address, and click “Email me”. (If you’re already on the iPad, there’s a button that directly links to the app)
- On the iPad, open the email – and click on the button, and you’ll get straight into the app.
You’ll have to do this once per module, but, once the module is linked, you’ll have access to all the assessments in that module.
More information.
In addition, we run regular staff drop in sessions in the main library