If you have been allocated to mark or moderate an exam question in ExamOnline, the module manager should have indicated whether they expect you to mark offline using PDFs, or online in the ExamOnline system. (Further details on the types of marking available in ExamOnline can be found in our Marking options in ExamOnline guide.)
If marking online in EOL, you will receive a direct e-mail from the Assessment team with full details on how to access the assessment system.
Accessing ExamOnline
ExamOnline can be accessed by visiting the URL provided in the e-mail from the Assessment team, but please note that ExamOnline can only be accessed on campus. If you need to access it off campus for marking purposes, then you will have to set up and connect to the University VPN (further information regarding the VPN can be found on the UoD website).
Select ‘I am an Administrator’. Follow the online prompts, click Next and enter the login details provided to you. Click Next, it will ask you confirm that the first name and last name displayed are your details, tick the box to confirm and click Login.
Please note that after an update to ExamOnline there is a “Forgotten your password” link available during the login process. This is not yet functional for University of Dundee, so please contact the Assessment team directly if you need your existing ExamOnline account password changed.
Once you are logged in you should see the Control panel. The only section that you need to access is Test Results. On the left hand side of the screen you should see the different Schools. Click the + sign to the left of the group the module you are marking on belongs to. You may see a list of sub-folders sorted by date (if you are marking on more than one module), find the relevant folder (which will be the date the exam took place) and click on the plus sign to the left of it. You should then see the results for the exam(s) which took place that day. Click on the module code you are marking and you should now see a list of the student IDs who took the exam in the centre of the screen.
Marking in ExamOnline
Select Mark and then select the plus sign next to the Question number you have been assigned to mark from the left-hand panel. (At this stage, you should only be able to see the modules/questions you have been allocated to mark or moderate.)
Please note that the student answers are anonymous, you will not see the student ID or name alongside the answers.
Click on Answer 1 (in the left-hand panel) and the student answer should be displayed in the centre of the screen. At this stage you are also able to view the Question text or Mark Scheme (if one has been provided and set up) by clicking on the required tab at the top of the screen. In order to assign a mark, select a number from the drop-down list at the bottom of the screen (highlighted in the screenshot below). This drop down list will only show the number of marks available for this particular question. Once a mark has been selected, you will see the mark displayed in the left-hand panel (next to Answer 1).
You can chose to insert an inline comment if you wish, by highlighting a section of text in the student answer, clicking on the pencil icon, typing (or copying & pasting) in some text and clicking Save (see screenshot above). There is also a section below the student answer to include a summary comment. Please note that both of these types of comments are not visible to students unless you chose to download scores/comments to PDF after marking has been completed. The comments will be visible to moderators and external examiners (where applicable).
In order to move on to the next students answer, you can either use the Next button, or select ‘Answer 2’ from the left hand side of the screen.
Note: If you have any blank answers, or any that state “Delete this text and type your answer..” these are from students who have opened a question in the exam (possibly even started answering it) and then changed their mind and answered a different question. Markers will need to ensure they allocate 0 marks to these answers before marking can be locked and passed to the moderator.
Once you are finished marking this question, you click on the Done button which will take you back to the results screen. You can then navigate to mark or moderate any other questions you have been allocated.
As the EOL system is unable to determine when marking is definitively complete (e.g. even if all answers appear to have been marked, markers may intend carrying out further checks), markers should inform the EOL Administrator (by completing the EOL – Marking + Moderation form) once their marking of a question is complete. Marking can then be locked for this question by the EOL Administrator and this will allow moderation of the question to begin (if applicable).
Note: The Monitor information in the Test Results section is meant to be based on browser events – when it loses focus it records this as a possible switch away from the exam. It also records when text is pasted into an answer. As University of Dundee students have to use the secure browser in conjunction with locked down exam accounts to access ExamOnline exams, markers should completely ignore this monitor information as we don’t believe it gives an accurate indication of the events it is meant to monitor.
Moderating in ExamOnline
Once marking is locked, moderators will be able to moderate the question. Follow the steps in the Accessing ExamOnline section above, select Moderate and click the plus sign next to the Question number you have been assigned to moderate from the left-hand panel. (At this stage, you should only be able to see the modules/questions you have been allocated to mark or moderate.)
Note: the Moderate button will only become active once marking is complete and has been locked.
Moderation uses the same interface as marking, except that the moderator has permissions to see the marks and comments assigned by the marker(s).
If the moderator agrees with the mark awarded by the marker, they do not have to select or change the mark displayed however they may want to leave a summary comment, e.g. “Moderated OK”.
If a moderator does not agree with the mark awarded by the marker, they have permissions to edit the mark awarded by selecting a score from the drop-down list at the bottom of the screen. The moderator should then add their own summary comment (they do not have permissions to add inline comments to the student answer text).
Where the marking mode is double marked and moderated, answers where there is a discrepancy between the two markers marks will be highlighted and the moderator will have to adjudicate between the two marks and award the final mark.
Once you are finished moderating a question, you click on the Done button which will take you back to the results screen. You can then navigate to mark or moderate any other questions you have been allocated.
As the EOL system is unable to determine when moderation is definitively complete, moderators should inform the EOL Administrator (by completing the EOL – Marking + Moderation form) once their moderation of a question is complete. Module managers will then be notified that marking and moderation of that particular question is complete.
If you have any queries about using the online marking in ExamOnline, please contact the Assessment team.