After an ExamOnline assessment has finished, an invigilator should collect all diagram sheets (used and unused) from the IT Suites and return these to the School Office. During an official exam diet, the diagram sheets for students sitting the assessment in an alternative location to the main venue will be returned to the Examinations Office. The School Office should then arrange to collect these at a later date/time.
Scanning the diagram sheets
The diagram sheets used during the assessment should be scanned single sided, in full colour, to produce a .jpg or .png image file for each sheet which should be saved to your PC (as you will be uploading these to ExamOnline). Do not scan to PDF.
If you will not be uploading and matching the diagram sheets to ExamOnline yourself, securely share the scanned images with the relevant ExamOnline administrator.
Uploading the diagram sheets to ExamOnline
Login to ExamOnline using the details you have been allocated by the Assessment team and select Test Results (Results App).
Locate the correct test window in the left-hand panel by clicking the plus icon next to the date the assessment took place. Click on the name of the assessment (this will be in the format “ModuleCode Exam Month Year“) so that it is selected. Click on Image upload, as shown highlighted in the image below.

You will be taken to the image upload page, as shown below. This page shows a list of all the Drawing IDs entered by students during the assessment. To begin the process of uploading and matching the scanned images against these Drawing IDs, click on the Upload button, as shown below.

The Image upload window will open. Click on the Browse button to select the image files to upload.

A file dialog window will open. Navigate to the folder containing the scanned images of the diagram sheets, and select all the ones you wish to upload (typically all of them), then click on the Open button.
The selected file names will then be listed in the Image upload window, as shown below. Click on the Upload button to begin the upload of images to the ExamOnline system.

As each image is uploaded, the system attempts to read the QR code on the drawing sheet. The Image upload window updates showing the progress as each image in turn is uploaded, and the QR code which is read for each image is shown, as illustrated below.
If an image is successfully uploaded, and the QR code successfully read, then a green tick icon and the QR code will be displayed (see image below). If the image could not be uploaded, or the QR code could not be read, a red error icon will be shown instead. Move your mouse over the red error icon to see the error message. The most likely causes of error:
- the file format was not correct (must be .png or .jpg images, not PDFs etc.)
- the image quality was not good enough to enable the system to read the QR code
If you encounter an error at this stage, locate the original drawing sheet and re-scan to the correct format / to achieve a better image quality.
(You can click Cancel at anytime to back out of the image upload process.)
Please note that uploading large numbers of images will take some time.

When the image upload is complete and all the QR codes have been read, click on the Start matching button (shown highlighted in the image above). This will begin the process of matching the QR codes from the scanned images with the Drawing IDs entered by the candidates. If all the candidate entered Drawing IDs are matched, you will see a Matching Complete message. Click OK.
The table of candidate Drawing IDs will update to show the QR code which it has which has been matched to it. (These two values should be the same.) If you move your mouse over the scanned QR codes in the table, you will see a preview showing the top of the scanned image including the Drawing ID as well as the candidate name and details.
Once all the candidate entered Drawing IDs have been matched, click on the Back to results button.
Normally, all of the candidate codes will have been matched by the uploaded scanned images. If this is not the case, one or more of the following scenarios are possible:
- The QR code on one or more of the scanned images could not be read.
- This would have been apparent during image upload, as described previously. You may need to re-scan the drawing sheets to the correct format and/or to achieve a better image quality.
- One or more of the student entered Drawing IDs could not be matched against any of the read QR codes. (You can see which Drawing IDs have yet to be matched by selecting Only unmatched answer codes from the Table view drop-down menu.) In this case, there are two possibilities:
- The drawing sheet has not been scanned and/or uploaded.
- If there are no unmatched QR codes, then this must be the reason. You will need to manually search for the missing drawing sheet – look for the unmatched Drawing ID entered by the student. (Based on previous experience the drawing sheet is most likely to have been left in the IT Suite, put into the bin in the IT Suite by a student or invigilator, or returned to the Examinations Office if the student was not sitting in the main venue.)
- A QR code has been mis-read, or a student has entered the code wrongly and this has not been picked up by the system.
- Each of these scenarios is very unlikely, but possible. If this does happen you can manually match an unmatched candidate Drawing ID to an unmatched QR code by selecting the unmatched candidate Drawing ID (click on it with your mouse), then while holding down the Ctrl key, click on the unmatched QR code. Once both of these are selected, click on the Match selected codes button. This will associate the candidate Drawing ID with the QR code. You can break this association by selecting the Drawing ID again and clicking on the Disassociate selected answer codes button.
- The drawing sheet has not been scanned and/or uploaded.
- All the candidate Drawing IDs have been matched, but there are some unmatched QR codes (i.e. not all of the scanned images have been matched against candidate Drawing IDs). Either:
- Students may have decided to delete the Drawing ID from their answer, but the sheet was still collected and scanned. (The sheet is likely to have a note from the student on it indicating they no longer want to include it as part of their answer.)
- Some drawing sheets from a different test window have been accidentally uploaded. (This would most likely show up as a significant number of scanned QR codes being unmatched.)
- There is no need to take any action in this case, as long as all the student entered Drawing IDs have been matched. Note however that you will have to re-upload the scanned images to the correct test window.