Recorded 25/07/2020
1. Overview of Settings
To access the gradebook, go into your module and select the document with pencil icon from the top right-hand corner (fourth icon along).
The gradebook will open in list view first (you can change this to grid view, which is discussed in section 3 of this guide). You can download the gradebook by clicking the download csv file (highlighted).
You can select a few options here including downloading the full gradebook or specific columns, the file type you wish to download, and the location you will download your gradebook to.
Select Download. A spreadsheet will download that looks identical to Original.
The icon next to download csv is where you can upload a csv file. You can use the downloaded one to use the formatting and can enter marks in that spreadsheet to upload grades.
The last icon (cog wheel) is the settings. From here you change your marking diagram, add mark categories (groups of similar work), create a new rubric, add overall mark notations (override a student’s overall mark with notations that fall outside the course mark diagram) and, most notably, assign automatic zeros.
Automatic zeros enters zeros for overdue work. You can overwrite an item that has been marked automatically with a zero (this is covered in section 2 and 3 of this guide).
You can view this in action from around 03.00 – 07.30.
2. List View
List view is the first view you will see when you click into the gradebook, and is a good place for an overview of your assignments. You can see if you have something to mark, if you have marks entered but not posted, or if everything is in and complete. All the assignments listed are linked and will take you to the assignment page when you click into it.
Once you enter grades in, you can either post them individually by student (shown in Section 3 of this guide), or you can post them all at once. If you have entered all of your grades and you’re ready to release them to your students all at once, click on Post marks from this list view.
You can view this in action from around 09.00 – 10.30.
2.1. Marking Submissions
Click on the link to the assignment you want to mark. Then in the list view of the students, you can see that the student who submitted the assignment has a link on their name and a submission time. Click on their name link, and that brings you to the submission itself.
You can enter marks at the top. Next to that area to enter mark, there is a little square speech box, that is how to provide overall feedback for the assignment.
You can also enter marks from within the submissions page by clicking into the mark for each student and typing in the grade directly. You can post grades individually when they have been entered by clicking Post.
You can view this in action from around 25.30 – 28.30.
2.2. Marking Group Submissions
Click on the group submission assignment that you want to mark. This brings you to the submissions page for that assignment. You can see the groups you’ve assigned it to and can ‘show’ all of the members in each group.
You can grade the group members all at once – in that top line for the group, enter a grade. This automatically assigns that grade to each group member.
You can change individual grades for the group submission as well. Select which students mark you want to change and update the mark in their line to a different grade. This will change the grade to multiple at top and keeps the first grade for the other students.
You can view this is action from around 10.50 – 18.00.
3. Grid View
Grid view gives you a more detailed view of the students submissions across all assignments. To enter grid view, click the grid view icon at the top left-hand side of the screen. To enter or over-write marks here, find the student and click on the Mark Now or number to add in a grade manually. For an item that hasn’t been posted, you’ll have an option to ‘post mark’ once you enter a grade. That is how you post marks individually instead of in bulk.
The purple New Submission notification allows you to see clearly what has a submission and still needs to be marked.
In the grid view there is a search function in the top right-hand menu, so you can easily and quickly search for a single student.
You can view this in action from about 18.50 – 22.00.
4. Set up the Overall Mark
In either view, click on the Set up the overall mark option (at the bottom of the screen in list view or on the right-hand side in grid view). This is the ‘Total’ weighted column from the Original Grade Centre. This one is easier to customise as you set it up.
There are two ways to set this up – Gradebook item weights and mark category weights.
Gradebook item weights – this shows each individual item in the gradebook. It starts by automatically weighing them generally equally so they tally 100%. You can click the cancel icon next to each item if you want to remove it so it’s not counted in the overall weight. You can also edit the percentage for each, but it needs to equal 100% or it won’t let you save.
Category weights – this will create a folder per category that you’ve got and assign those categories equal weight. You can change this by category (e.g. tests = 15%, assignments =75%), or open the folder and and select items to remove so they’re not included in the calculation. You can also cancel/remove whole categories.
Click Save.
Click on the three dots to the right of the overall mark if you need to delete it or edit the settings.
You can view this in action from around 22.00 – 26.00.