1. YuJa Overview
You can use YuJa to record videos when you want to do something more than what is shown in Session 5: PowerPoint (i.e. if you want to record your screen/multiple screens rather than just a collection of PowerPoint slides).
There are two ways to access YuJa – one within My Dundee and one outside of My Dundee.
1.1. Streaming Platform
YuJa exists outside of My Dundee. To access YuJa videos outside of My Dundee, follow this link: video.dundee.ac.uk.
1.2. My Dundee Integration
A YuJa channel is an area within the YuJa platform that is specifically allocated to an organisational group – when a channel is created within a module, that channel is directly located within that module. Anyone enrolled within that module will have access to the videos published to the channel.
To create a YuJa channel, go into your module, find where you want to put the channel, click on the plus sign and select Content & Tools.
From the list of providers, go to YuJa: Channel and click the small plus sign in the corner.
Click on edit in the three dots at the side to change the link name, add a description or allow class conversations.
Clicking into your channel takes you to all of your videos uploaded into your specific YuJa channel. You can view all of your media from the same place by clicking My Media Collection (all videos, not just ones for your channel, are stored here).
1.3. Recording Client
The Video Recording Client needs to be installed locally onto your computer, and is available via Apps Anywhere. Alternatively, it can be downloaded straight from My Dundee via this link: video.dundee.ac.uk. Select Create Recording and click the Download option.
The Recording Client allows you to record things from your computer, and can capture multiple sources (screens, cameras, etc.) and then upload them back up into the YuJa channel.
You can view this in action from around 08:00 – 11:30.
2. Recording and Uploading using the YuJa Client
Click into the module channel that you have created and select Create Recording from the top of the screen. A pop-up window will appear (the option to download the Video Recording Client is here). Click Start to launch the desktop software.
2.1. Preparing your Recording
Another window will open. You can add a Title and Description along the top. From the left-hand side you can select your mic/camera/web source (more detail on this below). Along the bottom are quick settings for starting and stopping. In the top right-hand corner are the settings (various settings you can configure including webcam quality, hot keys and profiles) and the help button which will take you directly to the YuJa help page. Directly underneath this, you can select a channel to directly upload your video into by clicking the media channel button (highlighted in the above image), selecting the channel and clicking Select.
Video: You may have multiple webcams and want to show them all. For example, you may want to demonstrate what you are doing while talking about it (one webcam on you and another on a piece of work you are demonstrating).
Audio: Two sources are available. For example, you could record your microphone and your internal audio, which would record you speaking and any audio coming from your computer.
Screen: This will vary depending on the kit you have available, but if you have two or more monitors you can show multiple screens at the same time. Underneath screen source, click on Advanced Settings to set this up.
Live: YuJa can support live streaming. Simply toggle this on or off.
Profile: You can save your settings as a profile so that you don’t need to set this up every time you want to record a video.
2.2. Recording your Video
When you have finished setting up your recording, click the Start button in the bottom right-hand corner to start the recording. There will be a rectangle with the YuJa icon down in the bottom right-hand side of your screen, where you can Stop or Pause the recording from.
2.3. Uploading your Video
Once you have stopped your recording by clicking the Stop button, a pop-up window will appear. From here, you can choose to Post Now (this option is only available if you set a channel during your set-up and are recording from that location), Delete or Save. Post Now will put your video recording straight into the channel you selected, and will be available for people to go in and see without needing to be edited. Clicking Save does not post the video, but it will be saved to your My Media channel, where you can go in and edit the video before publishing it if you wish.
If you select Post Now or Save, an upload box will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen letting showing your upload status – this may be fast or slow depending on the speed of your internet and the length or size of the video.
You can view this in action from 13:00 – 36:00.
3. Video Settings and Editing
Return to the YuJa channel you have uploaded/wish to upload your video to. Clicking into My Media Collection will show you all of your videos, not just the ones uploaded to your channel.
3.1. Settings
To watch your video, simply click on the play button.
Depending on how many screens and what you are capturing, your video may look different from the image shown above. You can switch focus by using the arrow toggles on your screens, and you can make the video full screen as well (these are all things your students will see).
For more advanced settings, return to your channel and hover over the video. Select More to see the full settings related to your video.
Notably, you can change the name of your video, edit some of the tags, set the thumbnail that appears at the beginning of your video, embed or share links, allow or restrict downloading, enable comments and create quizzes related to the video. Under the Links area, you can edit the Security Settings. Currently, all videos are set to be available to anybody who has the link (someone needs the unique link to access the video, but can do so without logging in). You have the option to make your video private – this means the individual will need to log in to My Dundee before they are able to view the video. There are also Additional Restrictions you can add to your video as well (for example, location restrictions for copyright reasons).
For information regarding captions, please refer to our materials on Session 11: Accessibility.
3.2. Video Editor
If you want to edit your video, hover over your video and click Edit. This takes you to a separate Video Editor. From here, you can Top-and-Tail your video (snip things from the start and end), add extra slides and overlays, insert text and cut bits out of your video. For more information on that, please refer to the help videos within the YuJa channel.
You can view this in action from 37:00 – 60:00.
4. Managing your Media
Your My Media Collection is all of the video’s that you own – it is best to think of this as your physical store. Any video you have uploaded will go into here. To share these videos with anyone, you will need to Publish or Share them. To Publish/Share a video, hover over it and select Publish/Share respectively.
You can search for the channel you wish to publish it to or scroll through the list. You can chose multiple channels that you wish to publish it to (for example, if you are making a video for a School, you can publish it to all the schools channels). Click Select.
You can create folders to manage your videos easier by clicking New Folder in the top middle of your screen.
You can view this in action from 48:00 – 60:00.