Difference between Learning Modules, folders and documents
A Learning Module is the highest level of container in an Ultra course, and has an extra feature that will be covered later in this guide. Folders are the next tier of container, and documents are items (sort of like webpages) that can be held within folders or Learning Modules. One feature of Ultra is that there is a limit on the depth within a course, so there is a limit to how many folders-within-folders you’re allowed.
1. Adding a document
Go into your module and hover over where you would like to create a document. Click on the purple + to add a content item. This will open up a menu with the following options:
- Create
- Copy content
- Upload
- Content and Tools
- Cloud Storage
- Content Collection
To add a document click on Create. You’ll then see a window pop up with a variety of items you can add. We’ll cover some of these in this guide, but for now select Document. Most of the options in the text editor should look familiar (bolding text, etc.); however, there are a few things that are useful to point out.

- Use titles/headers/subheaders/paragaphs formatting to help with accessiblity
- f(x) will allow you to add a maths formulas
- You can drag and drop images from your folder directly into the text box.
- Use the + a the end of the row to add Youtube videos and YuJa videos. To add YuJa videos, click on Insert/edit LTI then click on Embed YuJa video. From there you can search videos from the course channel and your personal collection.
Click save once each block is complete. Once you’ve saved an area, you can add new sections. You might want to do this if you may re-order the content later, or delete/update specific sections.
You can see this in action in the video above from 03:00 – 23:00
2. Adding a Learning Module
To add a Learning Module, go to the main course content page and click on the + icon where you want to add the item and select Create. In the window that opens, select Learning Module. You can click on the title to change it. Once you open the Learning Module, there is a box where you can add a description of the contents. You can also click on the + icon within the Learning Module to add content items directly into it.
You can delete this later by clicking on the three dots to the right of the Learning Module and selecting Delete.
You can see this in action from 34:00 – 36:00.
3. Adding a Folder
To add a folder, go to the main course content page and click on the + icon where you want to add the item and select Create. In the window that opens, select Folder. This will open a side panel that allows you to change the name of the folder, set the availability, and add a description of the contents.
You can edit or delete this later by clicking on the three dots to the right of the folder and selecting either Edit or Delete.
You can see this in action from 33:00 – 34:00
4. How to release content
You can determine how to release content for every item in your module. Simply click on the drop-down menu and select the appropriate visibility.
4.1 Conditional availability
Most content items have two options for conditional availability: date and performance. You can use the date setting to release and/or hide an item on select dates. You can use the performance option to require students to have met a specific mark on an assessed item before they can see the content item. Use the drop-down menu for Marked Item to select the item you want to be the basis for this rule, then use the Mark requirement to set this, note that there is the option to create a custom range for required marks. Below this, there is a tick box for visibility of item. If you select Visible to students,
You can use the performance option to require students to have met a specific mark on an assessed item before they can see the content item. Use the drop-down menu for Marked Item to select the item you want to be the basis for this rule, then use the Mark requirement to set this, note that there is the option to create a custom range for required marks. Below this, there is a tick box for visibility of item. If you select Visible to students, then the item can be seen by students before they meet this criteria, but they won’t be able to access it. If you select Hidden from students, than they won’t see the item at all until they meet the conditions to access it.
Learning modules have an additional option: Sequence. This requires students to go through the items in the Learning Module in order, starting with the item at the top. For this to work correctly, every item in the Learning Module must be set to Visible to students before you add the sequence release to the Learning Module. If you use the sequential release, we strongly recommend that you go into Student Preview Mode to test it and make sure it is working the way you expect it to.
*Note – discussion boards currently do not work with sequential release, so do not put a discussion board in any Learning Module using this availability. – 08/10/20
- Creating Content
- Containers
- Releasing Content (conditional release)