At this stage, after testing and finalising your assessment in QMOD, if you haven’t already completed a request form, then please ensure you do this. The Assessment team use the information provided in these forms to schedule your assessment and make it available to students.
For all Questionmark quizzes, formatives, computer marked assessments (CMAs), class tests and exams taking place within or outwith an official exam diet, please complete and submit the Questionmark Request Form for each assessment at least two weeks before it is due to take place.
Coursework & Exams (Outwith Exam Diet)
This section refers to online assessments that will take place outwith an official exam diet. The assessments will be timetabled, rooms will be booked and disability recommendations organised locally by the School. (This may also apply to a few assessments that take place within an official exam diet but are organised locally by the School and not timetabled through Examinations Office.)
Upon receipt of the request form, the Assessment team will carry out a final check of the settings on your assessment (to ensure it matches the information provided in the request) before publishing the assessment. They will then import the required group of students to QMOD, schedule the assessment to be available to them at the requested date and time, check for any additional time requirements and apply these to any relevant schedules.
Once an assessment is published, any edits to questions in QMOD will not display to students. If you notice a critical issue with a question, you can contact the Assessment team to request that a change is made and the assessment must then be republished.
Description: Link from within current teaching module, delivered remotely, not invigilated
A single link to QMOD will be available in the My Dundee teaching module (in the Assessment and Feedback section), along with information for students on how to access the assessment and where to find troubleshooting information.
This single link can be used by students to access all Questionmark assessments scheduled to them, including the generic practice assessment. (The link can be renamed, copied, or moved by any instructor on the module.)
Access to assessments is controlled from within Questionmark. The link being added to the module is simply a route to access Questionmark.
Invigilated coursework
Description: link from within current teaching module, not using secure exam accounts, delivered in IT Suites, invigilated
Students will login to the IT Suite PCs using their own University of Dundee account where they will then be able to access My Dundee.
A single link to QMOD will be available in the My Dundee teaching module (in the Assessment and Feedback section), along with information for students on how to access the assessment and where to find troubleshooting information.
This single link can be used by students to access all Questionmark assessments scheduled to them, including the generic practice assessment. (The link can be renamed, copied, or moved by any instructor on the module.)
Access to assessments is controlled from within Questionmark. The link being added to the module is simply a route to access Questionmark.
Invigilated exam or coursework (secure)
Description: dedicated secure exam accounts, delivered in IT Suites, invigilated
Students will access secure invigilated Questionmark assessments on a University managed device using dedicated (restricted) exam accounts. Student login instruction sheets containing information on how to access and start a Questionmark assessment will be shared with module leaders prior to the date of an invigilated assessment.
Login instruction sheets should be printed/photocopied by the School. Invigilators should place one on the desk in front of each PC to be used by a student, prior to the students being admitted to the IT Suites on test days.
If you are running an invigilated assessment using dedicated secure exam accounts outwith an official exam diet, you may need to request disability exam accounts depending on your students’ requirements. These ensure students requiring assistive software can access it and can be requested from Digital and Technology Services (DTS) – Exam support for students with a disability.
Exams (Within Official Exam Diet)
This section refers to assessments that will take place in an official exam diet. The assessments will be timetabled, rooms will be booked and disability recommendations organised centrally by Examinations Office.
Upon receipt of the request form, the Assessment team will carry out a final check of the settings on your exam (to ensure it matches the information provided in the request) before publishing the assessment. They will then import the required group of students to QMOD, schedule the exam to be available to them at the requested date and time, check for any additional time requirements and apply these to any relevant schedules.
Where the assessment is taking place during an official exam diet, the Assessment team will use the date, time and location information published in the exam timetable by Examinations Office.
Once published, any changes to questions in QMOD will not display to students. If you notice a critical issue with a question, you can contact the Assessment team to request that a change is made and the exam republished.
Remote online exam
Description: link from within separate exam module, delivered remotely, not invigilated
If a remote online exam is requested, a Questionmark exam module will be created in My Dundee. The exam module will contain a link to QMOD, along with information for students on how to access the exam and where to find troubleshooting information. (Our My Dundee Exam Modules guide has further information on what these modules contain and how to set them up.)
Note: Remote QMOD exams will not be proctored or have lockdown browsers enabled.
Invigilated exam or coursework (secure)
Students will access invigilated Questionmark assessments on a University managed device using dedicated (restricted) exam accounts. Student login instruction sheets containing information on how to access and start a Questionmark assessment will be shared with module leaders prior to the date of an invigilated assessment.
Login instruction sheets should be printed/photocopied by the School and taken along to the IT Suites (main venue) on the day of the assessment. Invigilators should place one on the desk in front of each PC to be used by a student, prior to the students being admitted to the IT Suites.
Examinations Office will print and supply login instruction sheets for students sitting the assessment in the small and lone venues.
Communication with students
It is the responsibility of the Schools to communicate all relevant information in advance of any QMOD assessment or exam, for example:
- Where to access it (teaching module / exam module / in person)
- The name and/or brief description of the assessment
- Format and type of assessment
- When the assessment will be available to students (e.g. start date/time and end date/time)
- Assessment time limit if applicable – this is the length of time students have to complete their assessment after pressing start (e.g. 30 minutes or 1 hour)
- The number of attempts the student has at the assessment (e.g. restricted to 1 attempt, or unlimited attempts)
- Number of questions and highlighting any particular scoring rules for individual questions (e.g. negative marking)
- How the questions are selected for the assessment (e.g. randomly selected from a bank of questions) and any restraints on navigation between questions or block of questions
- Any applicable assessment regulations (e.g. permitted/excluded resources)
- What they should bring to the assessment (e.g. for in person assessments, they must bring their student ID cards and a pen)
- You may also want to encourage students to use the practice assessment available to them, along with information on where to access help if they encounter any issues
Practice assessment
Schools should ensure that their students are familiar with the tool, system or delivery platform to be used, particularly prior to undertaking a summative assessment or exam. It is recommended that opportunities for students to familiarise themselves with the relevant tool or system be provided through the provision of a formative assessment of a similar format, incorporating question types and content relevant to the specific module of study.
The Assessment team will ensure that a generic “Practice assessment” is made available to all students undertaking a Questionmark assessment via a single link to QMOD in the Assessment and Feedback section of the My Dundee teaching module. The practice assessment can be used by students to check that their device is suitable for undertaking their assessment, and also to familiarise themselves with Questionmark and the assessment process.
Next steps…
Once the assessment is live to students, the Assessment team will troubleshoot any Questionmark related issues they are having. You should direct your students to our Questionmark Troubleshooting guide or our Questionmark Troubleshooting form if they need to contact us.
Once the assessment end date/time is reached, the Assessment team will extract and securely share a results spreadsheet with the named individuals on the registration form. If you have indicated that you want to access the results yourself, you can view our Accessing Results in Questionmark guide.