Module leads have a responsibility to review and check Questionmark assessments for accuracy of content, spelling, punctuation and to avoid potential ambiguity prior to the day of the assessment. Please follow the guidance below to ensure that your assessment is ready to be delivered to students.
Accessing your assessment for testing
If the Assessment team are creating your assessment in Questionmark OnDemand (QMOD), you will be contacted by them once your assessment is ready for testing. If you have created the assessment in QMOD yourself and would like to test it out the way it will be displayed to students (or you need a colleague or external examiner to be able to access it), you should contact the team to request your assessment be scheduled for testing purposes. (If you need the assessment to be made available to someone else for testing, please provide their details so that the assessment can be scheduled to the correct person, and a QMOD account created for them if required.)
- To test your assessment, access QMOD and authenticate with your University credentials.
- If you don’t already have a QMOD account, please see our Getting started with QMOD guide or contact the Assessment team to arrange access.
- If you happen to access QMOD through an alternative URL, make sure to click on the Log in with my organization credentials option.
- Once authenticated, you should see a section called Scheduled Assessments. Click on the assessment name or Start button to open the assessment.
- If you cannot see this section with a list of assessments scheduled to you, click on the Scheduled Assessments link on the grey bar at the top of the page.
What to test
For testing purposes, total score and feedback will be switched on and questions will be displayed unrandomised. (Prior to scheduling to students, the assessment settings will be updated to reflect what was originally requested in the registration form.)
You should check the following during testing:
- The scoring is behaving as you expect:
- Take the assessment and try to score 100%
- Take the assessment and try to score 0%
- Pay particular attention to questions which should be scoring partial or negative marks (e.g. multiple response questions)
- There are no typos or errors in the question wording or question choices
- Pay particular attention to questions which should contain symbols, equations, Greek characters etc.
- Any alternative correct answers, particularly in fill in the blanks questions
- Inform the Assessment team if you think of any further answers you would accept as correct or partially correct
- Any questions with images, multimedia, or links display and work as expected
- Randomised choices are behaving as you expect i.e. choices are reordered if you take the test more than once
- Confirm the time limit is correct
- If supplied, the introductory information provided to students is accurate
You can test the assessment as many times as you want while it is scheduled to you.
If you want to check how each question scored, simply answer the questions and submit:
- If the assessment has been set up using a Question-by-Question template (one question per page), click on the Next Question button to see the score and any relevant feedback for each of the questions.
- If the assessment is set up using a scrolling template (all questions on one page), all question scores and any relevant feedback will be shown on the same page.
Next steps…
If no changes are required, email the Assessment team to confirm checking is complete.
If minor changes are required e.g. adding italics/bold/superscript etc., email the details to the Assessment team including any relevant question numbers.
If substantial changes are required e.g. changing question wording/answers/scoring etc., submit these using the UoD SendTo service making sure to include any relevant question numbers. (Our Sharing assessment papers guide outlines the process for securely sharing your exam paper.)
Once a final check has been completed and you have emailed the Assessment team to confirm this, you can check what happens next?