Share your video three ways

What is it?

Depending on what you need, you can “publish” a video to a module, share a link to your video, or share the video so specific people can have additional control/access to modifying the content.

What does it do?

Depending on what you are trying to do, you can share a video with students in a module that you teach on, share a link with people outside of a module or outside of the university, and share privileges to your video.

What should I know?

  • Publishing: This releases content to your module’s channel. It may help to think of YuJa Channels as restricted YouTube channels. When you make the video, it is set so that only you can view it. When you publish it to your module channel, it’s like publishing it to your YouTube Channel, with the exception that the audience is restricted to users enrolled on your module in My Dundee.
  • Sharing a link: You can share a direct link to a video without publishing it to a channel. This process allows anyone with the link to view the video, whether or not they are in your module. Note that you will need to adjust security settings if you share this outside of the University of Dundee.
  • Sharing your video: You can also share your video with other users in YuJa. This allows you to customise the amount of privileges the other user has so that they can:1 – view the video, 2 – view and edit the video, 3 – view, edit, and delete the video. This is the ideal option for sharing rights to a video with other instructors or administrators on your module or in your programme.

Publish a video:

Step 1: To publish a video, find it in your media collection, hover over it, and select Publish.

Screenshot of with a single video being hovered over so the menu has appeared. There is an arrow pointing to the option for 'Publish'.

Step 2: Search for the module you want to publish to using the search bar. Make sure you select the correct academic year. You can also choose multiple channels that you wish to publish a video to (for example, if you are making a video for a school or programme, you can publish it to all the relevant channels at once). Click Select. 

Note: If you don’t see your module, it is likely because you have not yet accessed YuJa from within your module page. You have to do this at least once in each of your modules where you want to publicsh videos in order to see the module in tour list.

Screenshot of the Publish page in YuJa with the search bar under Channels (Moduels) open.

Step 1: To share a link, find the video in your media collection, hover over it, and select More from the menu.

Screenshot of a video in the YuJa interface with a mouse hovering over it so the menu appears on the right. There is an arrow pointing to the menuu item "more".

Step 2: Click on the Links tab and copy the Direct Link. You can also find the embed code here if you need it.

Screenshot of the 'More' menu opened. The tab for 'Links' is open an has an arrow pointing at it, there is also an arrow pointing at the URL generated under 'Direct Link' and 'Security Settings'.

Step 3 (optional): If you are sharing the video with someone outside of the University of Dundee, you will need to turn off the SSO security settings. To do this, click on the button that says “Security Settings” and then tick off the option for “Password or Authentication Restriction” that is enabled by default.

Screenshot of the Links tab for a YuJa video. There is an arrow pointing at the link for "Security Settings" which has been opened. There is another arrow pointing at the button for "Password or Authentication Restriction."

Share video:

Step 1: To share your video, find it in your media collection, hover over it, and select the option for Share.

Screenshot of with a single video being hovered over so the menu has appeared. There is an arrow pointing to the option for 'Share'.

Step 2: Use the Share with text entry to search for the user you want to share the video with. You can use the drop-down menu beside this to determine their access.

  • Read Only: Allow the user to access and view the media.
  • Edit Access: Allow the user to access and make changes to the media.
  • Full Access: Allow the user to access, make changes, and delete media.
Screenshot of Share window in YuJa, there access drop-down is open to view all three options. There is an arrow pointing to 'Share' and another pointing to 'Save'.

Step 3: Click Share. Repeat this process for anyone who needs access. Click Save when you’re done to save these shared users and settings. 

Updated on 11/04/2023

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