Removal of old recordings in Collaborate
Removal of recordings in Collaborate prior to the 22/23 AY
As last year, we will be removing older recordings from collaborate . This is for two main reasons – the first and most timely is that we need to reduce our overall storage footprint. The second is to set up and implement a regular retention policy for videos held in Collaborate and Panopto.
As a continued effort towards adopting a standard retention policy, we are going to remove all recordings in Collaborate that have been created on July 31st 2022 or earlier. This is roughly 3 TB of data.
As communicated last year this is now part of an annual process of removing old content, much in the same way that archiving old modules is now a typical process.
What is happening?
- All recordings made in Collaborate before 1 August 2022 will be deleted on 30th May 2024.
- You will have four weeks from this announcement (1st May) to download and save any videos.
- We will keep an archive of the videos for two weeks (until 14th June 2024 ). After this date, the videos will be permanently deleted from the archive storage meaning that they will no longer be retrievable.
Will this affect me?
We expect that the majority of videos recorded before August 1, 2022 in Collaborate that have not already been migrated to YuJa will not be required to be kept. However, there may be cases where these videos were not reused as video assets, but still need to be kept.
If this applies to you, then you will need to go back into the module where the video was created and download the video(s) you will need to keep. You can read our guidance on this process for information on how to do this.
What if something is missing that I need?
Will be keeping an archive of the videos for two weeks (until 14th June 2024 ) after the files are deleted from My Dundee. If you spot that there is a video missing that you need after 30 May 2024 but before 14 June 2024, you can contact Help4U with the subject line “FAO CTIL – Collaborate Storage” and include as many details as possible.
Why is this being done?
This is being actioned due to storage costs that must be kept under control and to begin the move to a consistent storage policy for teaching assets.
Annual process
This data archival and removal work is part of an on-going annual process. We will update the university community of any changes, but you can expect this process to happen yearly although we will provide more details once details of this annual process have been finalised.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact Help4U with the subject line “FAO CTIL – Collaborate Storage”.