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Academic Skills
Student focused, bite-size resources produced by the Academic Skills Centre with support from CTIL. These resources offer tips and advice to help with essay-writing, revision, numeracy and more.
Revision Bites
We hope that you’ll find the Revision Bites useful. As the name suggests though, they are designed to provide quick introductions to the ideas and concepts rather than going into any great detail or depth. Much of the advice in Revision Bites draws on the research and other work collated by the ‘Learning Scientists’, and we recommend that you also visit their website and blog to further explore the ideas raised here. You can also find some further practical advice on exams and revision in our Exam Bites resource.
Stats Bites
Welcome to Stats Bites, a resource brought to you by the Academic Skills Centre (ASC) and the Centre for Technology and Innovation in Learning (CTIL). The resource is designed to give you an introduction to statistics by taking you through various core topics. These include; ‘Descriptive Statistics’, ‘Distributions’, ‘Hypotheses Testing’, ‘Correlation’ and ‘Choosing Your Analysis’. We hope that you will find this resource useful. If you wish to find out more information on certain topics, or if what your looking for isn’t covered in the series, check out the list of helpful online resources below.
Time Management Bites
In this 'Bites' series, we'll explore six different facets of Time Management. Several 'Bites,' such as 'Short-Term Planning' and 'Long-Term Planning' cover relatively traditional aspects of time management, including how to use calendars and to-do lists effectively. Others discuss strategies for less-discussed but equally important elements, such as finding focus, motivating yourself, avoiding procrastination, and managing stress
Essay Bites
Essay Bites is a collection of short guides that aim to answer many of the questions or concerns you may have about writing essays at university. As the name suggests though, they are designed to provide quick introductions to the different aspects of essays, rather than going into any great depth or detail
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