Embedding Quizzes in Videos One way to make your video more interactive and to have knowledge checks is to embed quiz questions throughout your video.
Welcoming students to a programme/module of study through a stepped induction The challenge being met is to welcome student to a unit of study and to introduce them to the skills and knowledge required. This is met through a stepped induction process.
Best practice for online video meetings As we move to a blended/virtual way of working, those online video meetings seem so innocuous, but are we creating the wrong impression or making ourselves seem unprofessional? A few simple adjustments to the lighting, camera height, microphone and most importantly, what is behind us, can make a dramatic difference to the way others interpret our screen presence.
Facilitating virtual classrooms Converting your face-to-face facilitation skills into a virtual environment can seem daunting, however many of skills are exactly the same and we're just applying them in a different way using different tools.
Live hand drawn content – Collaborate The goal of this recipe is to enable staff to easily draw during a live collaborate session.