Online Exam Process

What is the process for?

At present, most formal exams or class tests (not being run as coursework) need to be delivered through My Dundee as a remote online exam. CTIL in conjunction with the Examinations Office have created a process so that Schools can register their intended exams and receive the required exam modules including support from CTIL during the exam diet. Please view our guide on My Dundee exam modules for further information on what they are and how they are setup.

Please also view our SEM2 2021/22 Exam Process guide for specific information relating to the April/May exam diet.


As per the approved Policy and Guidelines for Remote Online Exams (2021/22):

  1. CTIL will use the information gathered by Exams Office to create the standardised exam modules in My Dundee.
    • If you are taking responsibility for organising and delivering your own exam(s) then CTIL does not need to be informed.
  2. My Dundee exam modules will be created for all exams timetabled in the official exam diet, except where third party tools make this unfeasible.
  3. If you have exams that are not scheduled to be delivered within the University official exam diet, but you would still like to make use of the My Dundee exam modules, you should complete the CTIL – Online Exam Request form.
  4. All Questionmark exams taking place in the exam diet must be registered individually using the CTIL – Online Exam Request form.  
  5. CTIL and colleagues in UoD IT will create the requested exam module(s) from one of 5 templates: Turnitin, Blackboard (Assignment/Test), Möbius, Questionmark* and Custom. These templates include basic guidance for Instructors and Students, as well as generic instances of the practice and live exam activities. *Note that Questionmark exams continue to be managed by CTIL so follow a different route at this point – please view our Managed Exams – Questionmark guide for further details.
  6. Once the exam modules have been created and the enrolments loaded, CTIL will inform Schools. At this point, it becomes the School’s responsibility to configure and check the exam modules appropriately before releasing them to their students. Full instructions on how to do this will be available in the exam module.
  7. Once the exam module has been released, students will have access to their instructions and the practice exam. The live exam should be set (by the School) to release automatically at the appropriate date/time.
  8. CTIL will support staff and students through Help4U.



  • Create and update the exam module templates
  • Create all requested exam modules in My Dundee
  • Copy student enrolments from SITS (including EDP students where possible), and copy staff enrolments from the live module
  • Aid staff encountering problems setting-up their exam module (conditional availability, due/post-date etc)
  • Aid students encountering issues with their practice submission/test
  • Schedule Questionmark exams based on the information provided in the exam registration form
    • This includes scheduling extra time adjustments for students with recommendations from Disability Services
  • Provide help to students having technical issues with their live exam (during normal working hours)
  • Provide a spreadsheet of results for Questionmark exams after the exam has finished.

Module leader/School:

  • Ensure that all data requested by the Exams Office is supplied and in the correct format as this will speed up the process
  • Complete the CTIL – Online Exam Request form for every Questionmark exam to ensure the Assessment team are aware that a Questionmark exam is required (please ensure you give us as much notice as possible!)
  • Complete the CTIL – Online Exam Request form for any class tests/exams that have not been registered as taking place during the exam diet (i.e. any ad-hoc exams that take place out-with official exam diets)
  • Once you have been notified that an exam module has been created:
    • Ensure it is the correct type of exam module and the student/staff enrolments are as expected
    • Follow the information provided in the “How to prepare this exam module (Instructors only)” section of the exam module. This will step you through how to:
      • Add any relevant module specific information
      • Configure the practice exam section
      • Configure the live exam section including adjusting the exam settings, uploading the exam paper(s) (where necessary), adding the correct questions (where necessary) and adding any release conditions
      • Review the release conditions for each section
    • Once ready, release the module to students.
    • Communicate with students to inform them of the exam process, including where to access the exam and what they are expected to do. Encourage students to check they have access to the exam module, read through all instructions and complete the practice exam process prior to the day of the exam.

Exams Office (Registry) will be responsible for the creation of the exam timetable, therefore Schools should refer to Registry for timetabling information that will enable them to complete the configuration of their exams. Please contact Registry for information and questions relating to the timetable.


My Dundee Exam Modules

SEM2 2021/22 Exam Process

Approved Policy and Guidelines for Remote Online Exams

Online Assessment Taxonomy

Managed Exams – Questionmark

Updated on 07/04/2022

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