How to get started
Once you have decided you want to deliver an ExamOnline (EOL) assessment to your students, you need to make the Assessment team aware of this. If you are at a very early stage and don’t have all of the information about when your assessment will take place, then you can e-mail the team with the rough information you have.
Whether you are planning to use ExamOnline for a formative test, class test or exam (within or outwith an official exam diet), please complete and submit the ExamOnline Request Form for each assessment at least two weeks before it is due to take place.
How is the assessment created in EOL?
Unlike other assessment systems, the Assessment team will create all questions and assessments in ExamOnline. To allow the Assessment team to start work on this see our guide on sharing assessment papers which details what information is required from staff.
Once the assessment is complete, the module leader (or a member of the teaching team) will be asked to review and check this in ExamOnline – please see our guide on Testing your assessment in ExamOnline.
How is the assessment delivered to students?
ExamOnline is only available when on campus and will be accessible to students on a University managed device via dedicated (restricted) exam accounts. Information sheets for students on how to get started with an ExamOnline assessment will be shared with module leaders prior to the date of an exam.
Please note that ExamOnline cannot be used for any remote online assessments.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I ensure students get any additional time they are entitled to (disability adjustments) in a timed ExamOnline assessment?
If you indicate on your request form that students with a recommendation for additional time should receive it for a timed assessment, the Assessment team will check eVision for up-to-date student information prior to scheduling the assessment.
If you (as module leader) are notified of an update to any disability adjustments after the assessment is scheduled and available to students, you will need to notify the Assessment team in order for them to update the relevant schedules.
Does ExamOnline autosave student answers during an assessment?
Student answers are automatically saved every thirty seconds during an assessment, so if they encounter any issues (e.g. PC crashing) they are advised to re-enter the assessment as quickly as possible.
Where can I direct students to for help with completing an EOL assessment?
The student guide also has a video showing the process of accessing and completing an EOL exam, including instructions on how to add a hand-drawn diagram sheet, along with some FAQs.
What if I’m unable to mark the student answers online in ExamOnline?
The Assessment team download PDF copies of student answer scripts as soon as an exam is complete. If you would prefer to mark offline using these PDFs (named only by matriculation number), then inform the Assessment team of this when completing your request form and these will be securely shared with you shortly after the last student has finished the exam.
I need students to hand-draw a diagram/chart/equation and submit alongside their typed answer – is this possible?
Yes, students can use dedicated drawing sheets (produced by the system) which each have a unique code on them. They can follow the instructions to insert this unique code into their online typed answer. Once the exam is complete, the physical drawing sheets are scanned, uploaded and automatically inserted into the online student answers. Markers will then see the scanned version of the students drawing alongside the typed answer.
If you think you will require your students to insert a hand-drawn diagram/chart/equation, you should note this on your request form along with how many sheets per student you will require.
Next steps…
To allow the Assessment team to start work on creating your questions and assessment in ExamOnline, see our guide on sharing assessment papers.