Focus On Accessibility 20 – 24 Feb

Last year, we participated in Blackboard’s “Fix Your Content Day” – which coincides with Global Accessibility Awareness Day, though in our case, also with the main Exam Diet.
We’ve decided to bring it forward this year – to the week beginning Feb 20th.
Colleagues will be aware of the requirement we have to ensure that our digital learning content is accessible. Creating accessible learning materials enables our students to take advantage of Anthology Ally which enables students to download content in different formats, including HTML, audio and electronic braille.
We have 3 webinars in Eduzone 2.0 – you may need to login to teams. All University of Dundee staff should have access to that team.
Ally: What do we know about student usage of alternative formats
Monday 20th 12:05-12:55
We welcome Gillian Fielding from Anthology (was Blackboard), who’ll share the latest data covering how students are using Ally generated Alternative formats at the University. She’ll also provide tips on how you can use Ally to support students and make your learning materials more digitally accessible.
Session (In Eduzone2.0 – UoD login required)
Accessibility: Getting the Basics Right
Tuesday 21st 14:05-14:55
This session is aimed at academic and professional services staff and is designed to raise awareness on accessibility issues. Find out how easy it is to use built-in accessibility checkers when authoring documents and use the tools to produce more readable, usable content for all students in My Dundee.
Lead by Helen Booth, (SHSSL)
Session (in Eduzone2.0 UoD login required)
What are the ingredients to make media (video and visuals) accessible ?
Wednesday 22nd 13:05-13:55
This session is aimed at time stretched academics & professional services staff, it aims to be a practical guide to help make your video and rich media content more accessible. We will also be exploring why accessible content is a benefit to all.
Lead by Ed Wood (CTIL) & LJ Logue (SSEN)
Session (in Eduzone2.0 UoD login required)
Maths Accessibility
Thursday 23rd 13:05-13:55
This session will look at the challenges and some potential approaches to meeting those challenges, when working with mathematical content.
Lead by John McDermott (SSEN)
Session (in Eduzone2.0 UoD login required)
In order to help staff, we’re running daily “Accessibility Amnesty” drop-ins between Monday 20th Feb and Friday 24th. They’ll be in the CTIL drop in Collaborate Room. You’ll find friendly members of CTIL to help you look at your Ally report for your module, and help you to understand what it means, and how to fix it.
In Person
Join us in Eduzone in the Main Library to discuss all your accessibility issues, and any questions that you have following the sessions you’ve attended this week. This session coincides with the European Ally User group, so we can listen in to that as well.
We’ll bring the tea – you bring your questions.
All Drop Sessions (in Eduzone2.0 – UoD login required)
Day (week beg 20/02) | Drop ins | Webinars |
Monday | 10 – 11 (Virtual) | 12 – 13 Ally update |
Tuesday | 11 – 12 (Virtual) | 14 – 15 Getting the basics Right |
Wednesday | 15 – 16 (Virtual) | 13 – 14 Video/Audio |
Thursday | 14 – 16 (in Person) | |
Friday | 12 – 13 (Virtual) |
Other Staff Development Opportunities
CTIL offer more opportunities for Staff Development
- Workshops – Regular and bespoke, further information and bookings (UoD Staff only)
- LearningX – A blog based informal learning community (Open to all)
- FocusOn – A series of online meetings in Eduzone2.0 looking at effective practice across the university. Recordings available (currently UoD staff only)