Digital Education Newsletter Vol 6 Iss 2
CTIL Updates
We’re not entirely convinced the month of August happened this year as September has come up so quickly, but as we are now in Welcome Week we have collected list of things to double-check as you finalise any work before classes start.
- Check the appropriate staff are enrolled and that they have the correct role. Avoid having too many lecturers and make more use of the Teaching Assistant or support role depending on what they are doing.
- We have guides on enrolling colleagues on modules, changing staff roles in modules, and explanations of what each role can and cannot do.
- Make sure that Resource list is visible to students on My Dundee or at
- Make sure the module is visible (and areas visible that you want the students to see).
- We have guides on releasing modules and releasing content inside your module.
- Make sure the top sections of your module are ready.
- Welcome to this module: Welcome message / a picture of the member of staff / or a video introduction.
- Module guide updated as needed: has the modules outcomes copied across.
- Module guide updated as needed (e.g. who to contact for module specific stuff, etc).
- No default text still in place.
You can also review the current module baseline (see appendix 1).
For information and updates on the Hybrid project, you can check out the Hybrid blog and Hybrid guides.

FocusOn: Accessibility
Richard Holme, Academic Lead for Master of Education (MEd) Programmes talks about designing and delivering teaching content that is both accessible and supports learning. He draws on research into seductive detail to consider presentation template design, delivery style, and how to avoid seductive detail. This session is suitable for those who deliver teaching online, in person, or staff briefings. This session builds on the Learning X Designing Content Resources.