Module creation FAQs

Below you’ll find the most frequently asked questions about new modules. If your questions aren’t answered below, please contact Help4U.

Where do my new modules appear?

Your modules are assigned to the relevant academic year, and by default the Modules page in My Dundee shows ‘Current modules’. To see your new modules, you may need to use the drop-down menu that says ‘Current Modules’ and select the relevant upcoming term. Once the new academic year begins, modules created for an upcoming term will be moved to be ‘Current modules’ section automatically.

Note that you will only see your module if you are enrolled (see FAQ below)

21/22 Modules will appear under ‘Upcoming Modules’
What if I can’t see my module?

First, make sure you are looking in the right place in My Dundee (in the ‘Upcoming Modules’ view) and you’re using the search bar to look for your module code. If you still can’t see your module, contact the other instructors to see if they need to enrol you on the module. If no one can see the module, contact the Super User for your school. These Super Users have access to modules even if no one is enrolled, and can enrol members of staff. You can find the list of Super Users in this Padlet.

There is currently no central data indicating which instructors should be on a given module so although we do our best to pre-populate these enrolments, we will inevitably miss some.

There are some instructors missing from my module.

Currently, instructors are added to modules based on enrolments from previous years, but this process inevitably misses some instructors. Check out our guides on how to enrol your colleagues and course role explanations.

How are my modules laid out initially?

Your modules have been created with the template developed in consultation with your school. If you wish to use a different module layout to the template, you must agree this with your AD L&T first.

How and when are students enrolled?

Student enrolments are managed automatically through SITS. Once the administrative process, including any UCAS embargoes, is complete, students will be automatically added to their respective modules in overnight processes.

Note that you should never try to add students yourself. If they are not being enrolled automatically then you need to check they are correctly set up in SITS.

If you want to enrol students who should not be enrolled via SITS (e.g. EDP students), please contact Help4U and we can help with this! Be sure to include your module code, the student matriculation number, and the information that the student should not be enrolled on SITS but does need access to the module in My Dundee.

I’m seeing modules I’m not meant to be on, what should I do?

Instructors on modules do not currently have permissions to remove other Instructors. If you would like yourself, or another member of staff, removed from one or more modules in My Dundee, please complete our Staff Unenrolment form with all the required information. On completion, an e-mail will be sent to Help4U where your request will be actioned by a member of the CTIL team. If we have any queries regarding the unenrolment, we will contact the person(s) named in the form.

How do modules appear to my students?

The modules will appear in the relevant academic year (or ‘Upcoming modules’) area. All modules will be created as “Private” by default. Students will see the module listed in My Dundee but won’t be able to get into it to access the content until you make it available to them.

How and when should I make my module visible to students?

It’s up to you to decide when to make your module available to students, but here is our guidance on how to change module availability.

How do I change my course title?

To change the title of your module, simply open the course page and click on the title. You will be able to edit your title and you can save it by clicking anywhere on your course page outside of the title area.

Note that this does not affect the module coding – this cannot be changed.

Updated on 27/03/2023

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