What is it?
Resource lists are curated reading/viewing lists compiled by your lecturers to support your learning. Resource lists can contain materials such as books, journal articles, videos, PDFs, and web links.
Resource lists are integrated into Library Search so you can see what resources are borrowable from the Library or use direct access links to online content such as e-books and e-journals.
What does it do?
The Resource List is unique to each module in the university and can be accessed by students and staff via Blackboard.
What should I know?
Resource Lists are available directly from https://resourcelists.dundee.ac.uk/ and from the Library website (dropdown menu from the main search box).
They are also available from within My Dundee modules. Please note that the information on where to find these are based on the default module templates, and your school may use a custom template that has changed where the resource list is located. If you have any questions, please contact your module lead.
Step 1: From within your module, navigate to the Library Resources learning module and select the link within it to Library: Resource Lists
Some modules may not have a Resource List. If you are unsure about your module please contact the module leader.