
What is it?

Panopto provides instructors and students with a flexible set of tools to capture, edit and distribute video content for a wide range of educational purposes, from assessment to lecture capture.

It is integrated into My Dundee making it easy to author and distribute video within a Module or can be accessed directly for those wishing to manage and distribute video more widely. The service is easy to use, accessible and supports the growing need to support rich digital media in our educational experience.


To support the adoption of Panopto a range of training sessions are available for staff who may wish to record teaching or meetings on campus. Teaching teams or individuals can book sessions via our dedicated booking forms.

We will be delivering more Panopto training sessions ahead of the new academic year 2024/25. There will be two options available to all staff beginning Monday 26 August. 

Hands-on training
Training staff will take you through using Panopto in a hybrid teaching room setup in Dalhousie 1G03. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the session. We would advise booking this with a group of 4-8 people from your department to get the full benefit.

Customised hands-on training
We’ll come to you for this session. Please book a hybrid teaching room for us ahead of these sessions. This option is best if you use a particular location for all/most teaching activities. You can book for yourself or a group.

What our early adopters thought?

The thing I have noticed is quality of closed captions/subtitles, these are really accurate. To me this resource has a huge benefit for accessibility (a legal requirement) and for teaching and learning and student experience. It gives students the chance to review teaching, for understanding and revision purposes, and accurate captions make this experience much better for the students

Dr Richard Holme – Reader in Education Studies

I found the processing time of a video after a quick edit to be much shorter in Panopto than in YuJa, and I found that handy. 

Aysha Mohideen – Teaching Support Technician, Medicine Office

The ownership of Panopto recordings having equal editing rights for all instructors on a module (rather than just the uploader in Yuja) is a great benefit. 
Gavin Murray – Educational Technologist, Health Sciences Office

The workflow for capturing content and the way that it embeds into your My Dundee is much smother and more straightforward than before. The videos are going into the Module where you want them and are visible to students without issues. The captions quality exceeds that of previous YuJa videos.

Dr Sarah Halliday – Reader in Environmental Sciences

Video analytics, whether you want to know or not how few people are watching content, again it is much easier to get that information and you can get that information very clearly at the modular level since it is linked to folder that the videos are in. I found this challenging in YuJa to know if it was all the analytics or just part of the analytics, or for all of eternity or just that year, this is easier in Panopto.

Dr Sarah Halliday – Reader in Environmental Sciences

What are the advantages?

Unlike our previous video platform YuJa, a general EdTech company offering multiple products, Panopto is a purpose built video learning solution.

  • Panopto is able to integrate with My Dundee (Blackboard learn) to make the lecture capture workflow more straightforward.
  • Panopto is the only lecture capture system built with the flexibility to record any combination of video sources, in any configuration, in classrooms of any size.
  • Reports from the early adopter community highlight that the closed captions are of a higher quality compared to the previous video management platform.
  • Smart Chapters are an automatic table of contents created through Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which identifies content within the video rather than from uploaded PowerPoint or Keynote presentations.
  • Panopto provides detailed reports on audience engagement and comprehensive insights into viewing behaviour for every video on your Panopto portal.
  • The ownership of Panopto recordings has equal editing rights for all instructors on a Blackboard Module.
  • The Panopto viewer has a simple layout so that the accessibility features, note taking and chapter areas are more prominent for the students.
  • Your Panopto videos are stored in a traditional folder structure that many users find more intuitive to mange similar to that o

What does it do?

  • Directly capture video from a range of sources or upload existing content into a central, online repository.
  • Ability to automatically publish lecture capture direct to your My Dundee module.
  • Automatically generates captions for any videos recorded or uploaded to the platform.
  • Manage personal and shared video collections, publishing to specific users, groups or publicly as required.
  • Edit video through a simple, easy to use editor or download for editing in high-end editing tools such as Premier or Final Cut.
  • Access, share and manage video collections within Modules or Organisations on My Dundee.
  • Share and embed videos in the same way you would with YouTube or Vimeo services.
  • Supplement video experience with captioning, attached files, moderate-able comments, shared notes and a range of other functions and abilities.
  • Create video based quizzes and assessments, with grades returned to the My Dundee grade centre if required.
  • Set video submission assignments for students.
  • Institutional portal for public distribution of video.
  • Capture and distribute lectures and events (see below).
  • Live streaming of events.

Who is it for?

This service is primarily aimed at education related activities but can be accessed and used by anyone with a UoD login. 

Getting started

Main portal

Panopto has a main web portal to access the service:

This institutional ‘YouTube’ displays all publicly available front-end for university content. This is also the how you can access and manage your video collections – simply open the site and login using the “UoD Single Sign-on” option on the top right of the main interface.

My Dundee

You can also access the service directly through your My Dundee modules, which gives you all the same tools and functionality as using the above portal.

Accessing YuJa through My Dundee bypasses the need to login since you’re already authenticated by the University authentication service. Further, when you launch the video capture from within your module, Panopto will automatically publish to this module channel.

Mobile Access

Panopto comes with a mobile app for Android and iOS, which allows you to view videos shared with you and capture and upload recordings straight from your phone.

Getting help

You can find guides that are specific for the University of Dundee on this site. Have a look at the contents menu on this page or use the search and if you have any technical problems contact Help4U.

Help4U for technical support

If you have a technical issues (e.g. error messages, things not working the way you expect, problems with login etc.) you can log a call with Help4u. Your call will be routed to the appropriate team, usually in UoD IT or CTIL, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Panopto guides

Panopto provides a comprehensive set of guides on all of their features. There may be some variation between their content and how we’ve set up the service, especially in My Dundee, but most questions about how to use the service will be answered there.

You can also access this support though the main Panopto interface by clicking on the question mark shaped icon on the top right of the page, and selecting ‘Contact Support’ or view ‘Online Documentation’.

Updated on 06/12/2024

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