• General troubleshooting for exam/assignment submissions

    Remote online exams taking place in the 24/25 Exam Diets can be accessed from the exam version of your module in My Dundee. These will be named in the format “Exam Module – Module Code – Module Title” and can be found on your Modules page once logged into My…

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  • Deploy Enterprise Surveys

    What is it? Enterprise Surveys are a Blackboard tool that can be used to deploy anonymous surveys to students in a modules/in modules. What does it do? It can be used to provide end-of-module surveys across individual modules across a school, discipline, year, etc. What should I know? Deployments distribute…

  • Enterprise Surveys overview

    What is it? Enterprise Surveys are a Blackboard tool that can be used to deploy anonymous surveys to students in a modules/in modules. What does it do? It can be used to provide end-of-module surveys across individual modules across a school, discipline, year, etc. What should I know? If your…

  • Use Padlet to create anonymous discussion areas

    What is it? You can turn off attribution in Padlet in order to create anonymous boards where students can post their comments or questions. What does it do? By linking to a ‘Secret’ Padlet that is not embedded directly in your class, you can allow a space for anonymous student…

  • Log into My Dundee

    What is My Dundee?  My Dundee is the University’s primary online learning platform where academics can deliver their modules online in part or in full, and students can access content, activities, assessment and more as part of their studies. The platform is based on Blackboard Learn which provides a modern, stable, flexible…

  • Interpret the similarity report and flags

    What is it? A similarity score is calculated by digitally scanning a submission against a database of journals, papers, and publications to detect plagiarism. It is important to encourage students not to focus too much on a high similarity score, but rather to focus on checking their work against what…

  • Upload grades to the Gradebook

    What is it? In addition to entering grades in each individual assignment, you can also bulk enter them by uploading a CSV file. This may be useful if you have an off-line submission. What does it do? This allows you to enter grades rapidly by using a CSV file. This…

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