• Digital Education Cheat-Sheet 22/23

    With teaching already underway for some and Welcome Week starting shortly, we’ve pulled together some of the key resources you may need start off on the right foot with My Dundee and other areas of our digital campus. Also, don’t forget to enrol any colleagues who need access to your…

  • AV Support for 23/24

    What to do when something goes wrong Teaching spaces support will be delivered this year by a small team combining the Learning Spaces Technology Support Team and elements from CTIL. As in previous years, the emergency support for teaching spaces is accessed by dialling *1 from the in-room phones: Support…

  • Making sense of Hybrid, Lecture Capture and Teaching Spaces in 22/23

    We’ve written this article to unpick some of the confusion we have encountered around Hybrid Vs Lecture Capture, YuJa Vs Collaborate and the differences between room types for this academic year. Read on and all will become clear! Ingredients To deliver your teaching sessions successfully in a desired mode, you…

  • Lecture Capture for Academic Year 22/23

    Lecture Capture is now available in all centrally timetabled teaching spaces, including enhanced rooms, upgraded through the hybrid project, and general teaching still on old room designs. This new service uses in-room equipment and the YuJa video management platform to capture, store and distribute recordings to My Dundee. Read on…

  • Record a lecture in a Standard Teaching Space (Guide)

    Standard Teaching Rooms are equipped so that you can record your session for use as learning reinforcement using a basic microphone, screen capture and a simple ‘presence’ camera.

  • YuJa: Scheduled Service Interruption

    Anybody using YuJa between 17:00 and 17:30 on Wednesday, 20/07/2022 may find their access to the service interrupted and we advice everyone to avoid using YuJa during this time. What is happening? We are updating the certificate attached to the domain: ‘video.dundee.ac.uk‘ which is used by the YuJa video management…

  • Lecture Capture (22/23) #2: Draft Workflow

    A little behind schedule due to Covid finally catching up to me, i’m pleased to publish the initial draft workflow for how lecture capture will be done in the new academic year. This is also a call for any lecturers willing and able to look over, test out and comment…

  • Lecture Capture (22/23) #1: Project Launch

    As promised, I’m pleased to provide more information on the lecture capture service that will be implemented for 22/23. In this article you will find details of the project including the objectives, scope, and schedule. However, if you find that to be a little too much information to read through, the key information is summarised below – I won’t be offended 😉. You can bookmark this post for future reference and follow the Technology Enhanced Spaces category on our blog to keep up to date.

  • Teaching Spaces Update: From Hybrid to Lecture Capture

    Having delivered on its key objectives, the Hybrid Teaching Spaces project is drawing to a close and handing on day-to-day support of the new facilities on to UoDIT. However, this isn’t the last you’ll hear from us as we’re shifting our focus to delivering universal lecture capture, so read on for some key information about ongoing support for hybrid and what to expect from the new lecture capture project over the summer.