• Auto Generate Discussions Using Blackboard AI Design

    What is it? Staff can now generate the discussions using Blackboard AI Design Assistant , it will create the discussion using the course title and description. How does it work? This AI design feature gives you suggestions for creating new discussions in your course modules. These suggestions are based on…

  • Journal Generation Using Blackboard AI Design Assistant

    What is it ? Staff can now generate Journal topics using Blackboards AI Design Assistant. It provides suggestions for topics based on the course context you select using its AI capabilities. What does it do ? The AI Design Assistant provides suggestions for Journal topics, you can choose the suggestions…

  • Test Generation Using Blackboard AI Design Assistant

    What is it? Staff can now generate test questions using Blackboards AI Design Assistant. It provides suggestions for formative and summative assessments based on the course context you select using its AI capabilities. What does it do? The AI Design Assistant provides test question suggestions, you can add description to…

  • Adding Pronunciation of name in My Dundee

    What is it? Users, whether students or staff, now have the option to include text guidance and an audio recording of their name in their user profile. This will also appear in Assessments, Communication tools, Grade Centre, Groups and User profile. What does it do? The text guidance allows them…

  • Removal of old recordings in Collaborate

    Removal of recordings in Collaborate prior to the 22/23 AY As last year, we will be removing older recordings from collaborate . This is for two main reasons – the first and most timely is that we need to reduce our overall storage footprint. The second is to set up…

  • Turnitin service incident on 22/4/24

    Turnitin has reported an incident on 22 April 2024. Turnitin, Turnitin UK, iThenticate, Crossref, and users accessing Turnitin via an integration are currently experiencing an unexpected service incident.  We appreciate your patience with any technical issues; the similarity report generation may be slow at the moment. We recommend checking Turnitin’s…

  • Turnitin scheduled Maintenance for 20/4/24

    Turnitin has maintenance scheduled for 20 April, 2024 that prevent any use of Similarity and originality check . The disruptions are also expected in feedback studio and other services of Turnitin from 15:00 – 20:00 BST. We anticipate that there may be service issues following this planned downtime as well,…

  • Turnitin scheduled Maintenance for 16/3/24

    Turnitin has maintenance scheduled for 16 March, 2024 that prevent any use of Similarity and originality check . The disruptions are also expected in other services of Turnitin from 14:00 – 18:00 BST. We anticipate that there may be service issues following this planned downtime as well, so we appreciate…