Change your status and use reactions

What is it?

In Collaborate, people will be able to communicate their level of participation in the session by choosing a status or using a reaction.

What does it do?

Changing your status as a participant in Collaborate will let others know if you are available, busy or away.

Reactions are temporary icons that show up next to a student’s name in the Attendees Panel once they have been activated. They include happy, sad, and confused (among others). They are a good way to know how your students are feeling at various stages in the session.

There are also agree/disagree reactions that you can use for quick, informal polling.

What should I know?

Step 1: In your Collaborate session, select the My Status and Settings icon at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of a Collaborate session with a circle around the user's icon at the bottom centre of the screen.

Step 2: You can change your status here to reflect your participation in the session e.g., available or away. Below that, you can offer feedback in the form of a reaction.

Screenshot of a Collaborate session open. The user's icon at the bottom centre of the screen has been clicked to bring up the reaction options.

Step 3: Notice that your My Status and Settings tab will now reflect your chosen reaction.

Note: Your chosen reaction will only be available for 30 seconds.

Step 4: You will be able to view reactions by yourself and others in the side panel under the attendees list.

Screenshot of the attendees panel in a Collaborate session. There is an arrow pointing to the attendees tab option, and another pointing at a smiley emoji next to one user's name.
Updated on 13/03/2023

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