What is it?
This process allows instructors and support staff to copy content from one Ultra module to another, or even copy content within the same module.
What does it do?
You can copy items in bulk or individually to allow you to reuse content easily. You can copy items from any module you are enrolled on as an ‘Instructor’ or ‘Support’ to any other module you are enrolled on with those same roles.
What should I know?
Step 1: Go to the module where you want items to be copied into – you will start at the “destination” module and copy items into it.
Step 2: Hover over where you want the item(s) to be in your course and click on the +, then click on Copy Content from the menu.
Step 3: Now you’ll see a window that will show all of the courses and organisations where you can copy from. You can use the filter at the top of the screen to search for your desired module. Once you’ve found it, click on the arrow to the right of the name to begin defining what content you want to copy.

Step 4: In the next window, you’ll select if you want to copy content, discussions, or rubrics (if this source course has any rubrics in it). Click the arrow next to Content.
Step 5: From here, you can use the tick boxes to select any content you would like to copy. Once you tick an item, you will see it appear in the “Items” area on the right. You can remove a selected item by clicking on the “X” next to the item in this section.

If you want to copy an entire folder or learning module, you can tick the box next to this item.
Step 6: If you want to copy an item or a few selected items from within a folder or learning module, click on the arrow in the row for the item. From there you can use the tick boxes to select any items you want to copy.
Step 7: To go back into the general content area after you have been in a folder or learning module, use the “Crumbs” at the top of the screen.

Step 8: Once you have selected all of the relevant items, click on the button at the bottom right-hand side of the window that says Start Copy. Please be patient as this may take a bit of time depending of the size and amount of files you copied and your internet connection speeds.
Remember, there may be ‘errors’ when you copy content – be sure to read any details provided. Typically, the items import successfully but there are changes from one module to the next. Any changes will be reported as ‘errors’, and Blackboard will explain what the changes were so that you can adjust anything as needed.