What is it?
The activity stream works like a diary and notifies you of recent updates, announcements, and upcoming deadlines. It is highly recommended that you check this regularly as the activity stream is made up of institutional, organisational and module updates and announcements.
What does it do?
Getting into the habit of checking your Activity Stream will ensure that you are up to date with module deadlines, internal messages and key activities that will likely be of interest to you.
What should I know?
The Activity Stream is made up of up to four sections:
- Important this section is located at the top of the stream and will contain everything that will require your immediate attention, for example, immediate deadlines and overdue assignments.
- Upcoming this section is located second on the stream; it will contain any upcoming work that will be due soon and any events taking place over the next few days or weeks.
- Today Next on the stream, you will see any updates, notifications, and announcements specifically for that day.
- Recent This section will contain any updates, notifications and announcements made recently but in the past. These items will be in date order, newest to oldest.

The information you’ll see here is determined by your notification settings, you can learn how to edit the notifications in the Activity Stream, email, and push notifications if you use the app by following our guide here.