Create a Blackboard assignment Blackboard offers the opportunity for continuous assessment through its Tests and Assignments features. Although there are slight differences, they are functionally the same.
Create an assignment for a group A Blackboard group assignment allows instructors to create a submission point where one single submission can be applied to a pre-determined group of students. Instructors can mark for the group as well as provide custom marks for specific students, and can leave feedback for the group as well as custom feedback for specific students.
Create a Blackboard test or quiz (the basics) An automatically marked assignment is an assignment that provides feedback to the student immediately after submitting their answers.
Settings for automatically marked Blackboard assessments Once you are comfortable creating tests in Blackboard, you may want to adjust the settings to customise timings, delivery, and feedback.
Setting Extra Time in Tests in Assignments This guide covers how to set extra time in Blackboard tests and assignments.
Provide marks and feedback in My Dundee for paper submissions What is it? If your students have submitted physical copies of assessed work, you may want to record their grades...
Question Banks and Question Pools What is it? A Question Bank is a collection of questions that exists in your module that you can use...