View upcoming deadlines What is it? When a module leader assigns you with an upcoming test or assignment, you will be made aware...
Submit a Blackboard assignment or test What is it? Most non-text-based work will need to be uploaded to your module in a Blackboard assignment rather than...
Upload a group assignment in Blackboard What is it? Your instructor may allocate you and other students to submit a group assignment in Blackboard. This guide...
Record and present in PowerPoint What is it? PowerPoints are the go-to for most presentations. You will be able to access PowerPoint as part of...
How to submit a video assignment What is it? Your instructor may have created an assignment that asks you to make and submit a video presentation....
View your feedback for Blackboard assignments What is it? When your instructor marks your work, they might provide you with written feedback. It is important to...
General troubleshooting for exam/assignment submissions Remote online exams taking place in the 24/25 Exam Diets can be accessed from the exam version of your module...
Create and submit a video assignment in My Dundee (Student) What is it? This guide shows you how to submit a Panopto video assignment in your MyDundee module. The most...